本文选题:中蒙 + 矿业涉外法体系 ; 参考:《山东大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 矿产资源,是当今世界上最重要的推动国家经济和社会稳定发展的自然资源,而且也是人类赖以生存和发展的重要物质潜力。国家就是国民,每个国家为了合理使用开发矿产资源,都做出了相应的法律规定去调整国家和商人之间的合法利益。中蒙两国是永久的领国,在两国间、国民及商人之间的政治、经济贸易等多方面的合作关系下,在各类领域内法律法规不断发展而得到了重要的的成就。尤其是外商对矿产资源领域的参与是很重要的领域之一。 矿产资源勘查开发会带来巨大成就,探明一大批矿产资源,构造比较完善的矿产品供应体系,为国家经济的持续、快速、协调、健康发展提供重要保障。世界各国高度重视矿产资源可持续开发利用,把合理稳定发展确定为国家战略,把保护资源作为国家发展战略重要内容。 从2000年起,中国政府鼓励勘查开发符合市场需求的矿产资源(特别是西部地区的优厚矿产资源)提高国内矿产品的供应能力。同时,引进外资和技术开发中国矿产资源,用国外市场与国外矿产资源发展中国矿山企业和矿产使其进入国际市场是中国的一项重要政策。中国官方认为,国外矿业公司进入中国、中国矿山企业走向世界、实现各国资源互补,对推进世界矿产资源勘查开发、共同繁荣和健康发展具有重要意义。 蒙古国矿产资源丰富且是中国近邻,目前已经成为中国矿山企业投资的重要目的国之一。近四年来,蒙古国政府出台了新的矿业法和税法,矿业管理方面发生了较大的变化。深入了解其新的投资法律有助于两国矿业领域合作的进一步开展。为了引进外国资本和技术来促进本国经济的发展,而制定关于引进外资的基本原则、外资的法律地位并且加以鼓励、保护与限制措施等法律规范,颁布了外国投资法。 本文着重从制度层面分析两国开发利用矿产资源的有关制度,即从中蒙对外投资者的矿业领域方面法律体系及矿业权制度、矿业权主体、矿业权取得和矿业权转让等方面以法律制度进行比较而提出观点,并试图找出不同点且找出解决问题的途径。 对中蒙矿业领域内外商投资的法律制度进行比较,借鉴中国矿业法中的先进之处,并完善蒙古矿业法律制度。
[Abstract]:Mineral resources are the most important natural resources in the world to promote the stable development of national economy and society, and are also the important material potential for human survival and development. In order to utilize mineral resources rationally, each country has made corresponding legal provisions to adjust the legal interests between the state and the businessmen. China and Mongolia are permanent neighbors. Under the cooperation of politics, economy and trade between the two countries, the development of laws and regulations in various fields has made important achievements. In particular, the participation of foreign businessmen in the field of mineral resources is one of the most important fields. The exploration and development of mineral resources will bring great achievements, the discovery of a large number of mineral resources and the relatively perfect mineral product supply system, which will be of great importance to the sustainability of the national economy. Speed, coordination, and healthy development provide an important guarantee. All countries in the world attach great importance to the sustainable development and utilization of mineral resources, define rational and stable development as a national strategy, and take the protection of resources as an important part of the national development strategy. The Chinese government encourages exploration and development of mineral resources in line with market demand, especially in the western region, to improve the supply capacity of domestic minerals. At the same time, it is an important policy for China to introduce foreign capital and technology to exploit China's mineral resources, and to develop Chinese mining enterprises and minerals into the international market by using foreign markets and mineral resources. Chinese officials believe that when foreign mining companies enter China, Chinese mining enterprises will go to the world, realize the complementary resources of various countries, and promote the exploration and development of the world's mineral resources. Mongolia is rich in mineral resources and is a close neighbor of China, so it has become one of the important target countries for Chinese mining enterprises to invest. In the last four years, the government of Mongolia has introduced new mining laws and tax laws, and the management of mining industry has undergone great changes. A deeper understanding of the new investment law will help further cooperation in the field of mining between the two countries. In order to introduce foreign capital and technology to promote the development of the domestic economy, the basic principles governing the introduction of foreign capital, the legal status of foreign capital and its encouragement, protection and restrictive measures are formulated, The foreign investment law has been promulgated. This paper focuses on the analysis of the relevant systems for the exploitation and utilization of mineral resources in the two countries from the institutional level, that is, the legal system of mining rights, the mining rights system and the main body of mining rights in the mining field of foreign investors in China and Mongolia. In the aspects of mining right acquisition and mining right transfer, the author puts forward the point of view based on the comparison of legal system, and tries to find out the difference and find out the way to solve the problem. The legal system of foreign investment in the field of mining industry between China and Mongolia is compared. Draw lessons from the advanced aspects of China's mining law, and perfect the Mongolian mining legal system.
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