发布时间:2018-07-27 16:44
【摘要】: 当代社会是一个权利的社会,准确地讲,是一个权利最受关注和尊重的时代。我国法学界对环境权的研究尽管起步较晚,但环境权已经成为人们最为关注的权利之一。 一支舰队的速度主要取决于最慢的那支船。因而,本文把环境权保障的研究重点放在了我国民族地区。我国民族地区环境资源相对丰富,但生态环境却十分脆弱。环境权保障制度建设滞后可以说是一个十分重要的原因。正是基于这一现实,通过对我国民族地区环境权保障的困境分析,找寻一条走出困境、现实可行的道路就显得尤为重要了。 本文分为四章。第一章对环境权的基木理论进行梳理和分析,主要是为了阐明环境权的权利构成要素,以便对环境权有个清晰明了的认识。第二章具体介绍了我国民族地区的环境权保障实践。第三章重点分析了我国民族地区环境权保障的制度性障碍,主要体现在立法上存在空白、立法体系不配套、环境权保障操作性差、环境侵权救济制度有缺陷、公众参与性不足等。第四章主张应从立法、行政法律制度完善、司法救济三个方面给予制度构建。首先,通过立法构建,强调在宪法中应规定环境权,为我国环境单行法指出方向。另外,应当实现环境法体系化以及具体完善我国民族地区的环境立法。其次,通过不断完善民族地区环境行政制度,为民族地区的环境权保障创设条件。最后,通过民族地区环境权司法保障制度构建、放宽原告的起诉资格、建立民族地区环境公益诉讼制度、增设民族地区环境法庭等途径,来实现对环境权的有效保障,从而推动我国的环境法治建设。
[Abstract]:The contemporary society is a society of rights. To be exact, it is an era in which rights are most concerned and respected. Although the study of environmental rights in Chinese legal circles started late, environmental rights have become one of the most concerned rights. The speed of a fleet depends largely on the slowest ship. Therefore, this paper focuses on the protection of environmental rights in ethnic areas of China. Our country minority area environment resources is relatively rich, but the ecological environment is very fragile. The lagging construction of environmental right protection system can be said to be a very important reason. Based on this reality, it is very important to find a way out of this dilemma by analyzing the predicament of the protection of environmental rights in the minority areas of our country. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter combs and analyzes the basic theory of environmental rights, mainly in order to clarify the constituent elements of environmental rights, so as to have a clear understanding of environmental rights. The second chapter introduces the practice of environmental right protection in minority areas in China. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the institutional obstacles to the protection of environmental rights in minority areas of China, which are mainly reflected in the blank legislation, the lack of supporting legislative system, the poor operability of environmental rights protection, and the defects in the relief system of environmental tort. Lack of public participation, etc. Chapter four argues that the system should be constructed from three aspects: legislation, perfection of administrative legal system and judicial remedy. First of all, through the legislative construction, it emphasizes that the environmental right should be stipulated in the constitution, pointing out the direction for our country's environmental law. In addition, we should realize the systematization of environmental law and improve the environmental legislation in ethnic areas. Secondly, by perfecting the environmental administrative system in ethnic minority areas, conditions are created for the protection of environmental rights in minority areas. Finally, through the establishment of judicial protection system of environmental rights in minority areas, the relaxation of plaintiff's qualification for prosecution, the establishment of environmental public interest litigation system in minority areas, and the establishment of environmental courts in minority areas, the effective protection of environmental rights can be realized. So as to promote the construction of environmental rule of law in China.
[Abstract]:The contemporary society is a society of rights. To be exact, it is an era in which rights are most concerned and respected. Although the study of environmental rights in Chinese legal circles started late, environmental rights have become one of the most concerned rights. The speed of a fleet depends largely on the slowest ship. Therefore, this paper focuses on the protection of environmental rights in ethnic areas of China. Our country minority area environment resources is relatively rich, but the ecological environment is very fragile. The lagging construction of environmental right protection system can be said to be a very important reason. Based on this reality, it is very important to find a way out of this dilemma by analyzing the predicament of the protection of environmental rights in the minority areas of our country. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter combs and analyzes the basic theory of environmental rights, mainly in order to clarify the constituent elements of environmental rights, so as to have a clear understanding of environmental rights. The second chapter introduces the practice of environmental right protection in minority areas in China. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the institutional obstacles to the protection of environmental rights in minority areas of China, which are mainly reflected in the blank legislation, the lack of supporting legislative system, the poor operability of environmental rights protection, and the defects in the relief system of environmental tort. Lack of public participation, etc. Chapter four argues that the system should be constructed from three aspects: legislation, perfection of administrative legal system and judicial remedy. First of all, through the legislative construction, it emphasizes that the environmental right should be stipulated in the constitution, pointing out the direction for our country's environmental law. In addition, we should realize the systematization of environmental law and improve the environmental legislation in ethnic areas. Secondly, by perfecting the environmental administrative system in ethnic minority areas, conditions are created for the protection of environmental rights in minority areas. Finally, through the establishment of judicial protection system of environmental rights in minority areas, the relaxation of plaintiff's qualification for prosecution, the establishment of environmental public interest litigation system in minority areas, and the establishment of environmental courts in minority areas, the effective protection of environmental rights can be realized. So as to promote the construction of environmental rule of law in China.
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