[Abstract]:The property right system of forest resources is the basic criterion of adjusting forestry production relations and the important factor affecting the development of forestry productivity. The area of collective forest resources in China accounts for 57.55% of the total area of forestry in China. Collective forest resources have been playing an important role in the development of forestry in China, which is an important part of forestry and the material carrier of sustainable development of forestry in China. Therefore, the reform of collective forest resources property right system is the main way to liberate forestry production, the fundamental method to solve the deep-seated contradiction in forestry development, and the inherent requirement of tapping forestry development potential. The reform of the property right system of collective forest resources in China has undergone several changes. After the National Forestry work Conference and the decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on accelerating Forestry Development were issued in 2003, rapid development was achieved. In 2006, the first document of the Central Committee and the outline of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan were issued. Both of them put forward clear requirements for speeding up the reform of collective forest resources property right system, and promoted the further deepening of the reform. Facing the rare opportunity of the reform of collective forest resources property right system, Twenty-seven provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have successively set up leading and working institutions for the reform of the property rights system of collective forest resources, and 16 provinces, municipalities and municipalities have formulated relevant policy documents in light of the actual local conditions, taking the reform of the forest property right system as a breakthrough. Actively explore the establishment of the socialist market economy to meet the requirements of forestry management system. All along, the system of collective forest resources property right in our country has some system obstacles, such as the concept of property right is vague, the subject is empty, the rights and responsibilities are not clear, the right of disposal is limited, and the right of income is not implemented in place, which is not conducive to the accumulation of production elements into forestry. It restricts the rapid development of forestry. With the deepening of the reform, the main reform tasks of Fujian, Jiangxi, Liaoning and other pilot provinces have been basically completed, and remarkable results have been achieved. However, due to the particularity and complexity of the forest tenure system, Objectively, it is decided that the reform of forest property right system is a process of continuous improvement and deepening. These concrete measures, which have been explored and practiced for a long time, have produced new problems and new situations in the course of further advancing the reform. The reform needs to be deepened, standardized and perfected. This paper reviews and summarizes the historical evolution and present situation of the property right system of collective forest resources in China through the thorough discussion of the basic theory of property rights, and draws lessons from the relevant legal experience of foreign developed countries in forestry. By means of empirical analysis and theoretical induction, the new problems and new situations in the reform of collective forest resources property right system in China are deeply discussed. In order to realize the overall goal of the reform of collective forest resources property right system in China as soon as possible, the author puts forward some constructive suggestions on how to perfect the corresponding problem solution from the angle of law, that is, to basically complete the peasant household contract management by 2010. To clarify the right to use forest land and forest ownership, to release the right to operate, to implement the right to dispose, to ensure the right to income as the main content of the reform task to provide theoretical and theoretical reference.
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