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发布时间:2018-07-28 10:31
【摘要】:随着科技的不断发展,电子产品已被逐步运用到人们生活的方方面面。电子产品的广泛应用使得电子产品更新换代的频率越来越高,电子废弃物的数量与日俱增。由于电子废弃物含有可循环利用的金属和塑料等材料,很多人看到了回收处理电子废弃物的商机,在利益的驱使下,催生了专门回收并处理电子废弃物的产业。这类产业多由个体经营者自发形成,由于受到技术设备和资金的限制,在处理电子废弃物的整个过程中,不仅不能充分有效地资源化电子废弃物中的可用材料,也没有条件考虑到其对自然环境、人文环境的影响,在以焚烧、酸泡为主的传统拆解处理手段下,使环境的功能退化到无以修复的地步。更有甚者,在广州贵屿、浙江台州等地,不法商贩利欲熏心,不惜从国外走私大量电子废弃物作为拆解原料,给这些地区的民众造成极大的伤害,而政府往往立足于税收、就业等角度看待这一现象,消极监管。 解决电子废弃物所带来的这一资源与环境双重问题,关键在于电子废弃物的回收。明确了电子废弃物的回收流向便于相关部门有效监管,使电子废弃物的处理进入到一个规范的轨道中去,而回收的关键则在于回收主体能够有效地参与到回收事业中来,,各司其责。 本文多角度分析了电子废弃物回收主体间责任分配不明的原因,主要包括立法层面的利益纠葛不清,执法层面位阶过低、配套标准缺失,各主体自身方面重视不足等几方面。针对这些原因,在借鉴欧盟“生产者延伸责任”、日本的“消费者付费”、美国“产品延伸责任”等国家回收电子废弃物主体所负担责任的经验,提出了相关建议。 本文的最后部分,提出合理建构回收主体责任的建议。在政府方面,责任的重点于对个体商贩的引导与监督以及对正规回收企业的激励与扶持,除此之外,相关标准的制定以及回收企业资质的认证也需政府加以重视;生产者的责任应当贯穿于电子产品从制造到拆解的整个过程,包括设计阶段的绿色设计、出售阶段的信息披露、回收阶段的网点建设等方面;消费者作为电子产品的利益享有者,应当为电子废弃物的处理承担费用,但是基于我国的具体国情尚难实现,消费者应当逐步转变思想,参与到电子废弃物的回收事业中来。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of science and technology, electronic products have been gradually used in all aspects of people's lives. With the wide application of electronic products, the frequency of updating electronic products is becoming higher and higher, and the quantity of electronic waste is increasing day by day. Because e-waste contains recyclable metals and plastics, many people see the business opportunities of recycling and disposal of e-waste. Most of these industries are formed spontaneously by self-employed operators. Due to the limitations of technical equipment and funds, not only can they not fully and effectively recycle the available materials in electronic wastes during the whole process of dealing with electronic wastes, There are no conditions to consider its impact on the natural environment and the human environment, under the traditional means of disassembly and treatment, such as incineration and acid bubble, the function of the environment is degraded to the point where it can not be repaired. What is more, in places such as Guiyu in Guangzhou and Taizhou in Zhejiang Province, illegal traders have encouraged their interests by smuggling a large number of electronic wastes from abroad as raw materials for dismantling, causing great harm to the people in these areas, and the government often bases itself on taxation. Employment and other perspectives on this phenomenon, negative regulation. To solve the dual problem of resources and environment caused by electronic wastes, the key lies in the recycling of electronic wastes. It is clear that the recycling direction of electronic waste is convenient for the relevant departments to supervise effectively, so that the disposal of electronic waste can be put into a standardized track, and the key of recycling is that the main body of recycling can participate effectively in the cause of recycling. Each division is responsible. This paper analyzes the reasons for the unclear distribution of responsibilities among the subjects of electronic waste recovery, including the unclear interests of the legislative level, the low level of law enforcement, the lack of supporting standards, and the lack of attention to the subjects themselves. In view of these reasons, some suggestions are put forward in reference to the experiences of the European Union "extended producer responsibility", Japan's "Consumer payment", and the United States "Product extension responsibility". In the last part of this paper, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to construct the responsibility of the main body of recycling. In the government, the responsibility focuses on the guidance and supervision of individual vendors and the encouragement and support of the formal recycling enterprises. In addition, the establishment of relevant standards and the certification of the qualifications of recycling enterprises also need to be paid attention to by the government. Producer responsibility should run through the whole process from manufacture to disassembly of electronic products, including green design in design stage, information disclosure in sale stage, network construction in recycling stage, etc. Consumers, as the benefit holders of electronic products, should bear the expenses for the disposal of electronic wastes, but based on the specific conditions of our country, it is still difficult to achieve. Consumers should gradually change their ideas and participate in the recycling of electronic wastes.


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