[Abstract]:Mineral resources are the important material basis on which human beings depend for survival. Due to the special importance of mineral resources in the development of social economy and the characteristics of exhaustion and non-renewable, how to allocate mineral resources fairly and reasonably, The implementation of effective protection and management constitutes an important part of the legal systems of countries all over the world. Our country is a big mining country, the coal resource is very rich, how to make good use of this resource, how to manage it well, how to play its positive role, reduce its negative effect, standardize people's development and use behavior, is the legal responsibility. The 18th National Congress of the Party proposed vigorously promoting the construction of ecological civilization, insisting on saving, giving priority to protection, strengthening mineral resources exploration, protection, rational development, promoting circular economy, low carbon development, and doing a good job of system building. In particular, it is necessary to establish a system of compensated use and compensation of resources, which can reflect the market supply and demand and the degree of scarcity of resources, and reflect the ecological value and intergenerational compensation. This puts forward higher requirements to the field of mineral resources legal research in China. In keeping with the new situation and new requirements, this journal specially organized articles on the issue of the legal attributes of mining rights under the vision of ecological civilization, and the overlap between coal mining rights and coalbed methane (extraction) mining rights. The local legislation of clean use of coal and the legal problems of ecological compensation of mineral resources are discussed.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院法学所;山西财经大学法学院;
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7 张t,