[Abstract]:In the wake of the global focus on nuclear accidents, the attention of the academic community and the front-end control will be avoided, because the tragic events such as the nuclear accident should not happen, the state, the enterprise and the individual are unbearable. For example, after a review of the causes of the nuclear accident, the proposed countermeasure is to introduce an independent nuclear security commissioner. The independent system operators who will and coordinate the buyers and sellers of the public transmission network. Without an independent security regulator or a very good "safety culture", the deep-rooted profit maximization of the power monopoly will not necessarily achieve the social optimal consideration of the safety of the nuclear power plant. All considerations continue to operate or expand. The state of the nuclear power industry must strive to establish independent, competent and respected security regulators, or to prepare for the nuclear power plant accidents. However, the damage has occurred after all. As a legal person, the fair and reasonable issue of compensation for the loss of the back end is also a topic of concern. The state compensation liability in the compensation for nuclear accidents is the same. A subtopic of the topic.
Although the state compensation liability in the compensation of nuclear accident damages is stipulated in both international and domestic law, these Regulations are different. First, this study combs these norms, then compares the similarities and differences, and then sums up the basic features of the state compensation liability. The compensation, social security, state subsidies and other adjacent systems are compared, thus the nature of the state compensation responsibility for nuclear accidents is defined as the government responsibility for providing basic subsidies to the victims of nuclear accidents based on state guarantee liability. In the existing system, the most similar is social security. The two are based on the state guarantee responsibility. To ensure that the citizens of a country have a decent standard of living.
Although the liability for state compensation has a relatively accurate position, it does not mean that the liability is justified. The compensation for nuclear damage is a problem in the field of civil liability, but the state intervenes and takes over the liability of the private subject in some degree. This forms a double structure of compensation for damage to the public, and its legitimacy is justified. What is it? In fact, it is really controversial whether scholars are necessary to the responsibility of state compensation. It is the support of the supporters from the risk society, the concept of the state and the welfare state, the rise of the state, the superiority of the public compensation system, the theory of justice and so on; and the opposition from the state (Politics). The failure of the government, the uneconomy of the responsibility of the state compensation responsibility, the reflection on the theory of justice, and so on, question the legitimacy of the state's compensation responsibility. The two sides are all eloquent reasons and logical support. However, everything has two sides, it is difficult to find the perfect system. Although there are some disadvantages, the social security and welfare state in the form of risk society. Form, we need to adhere to the state compensation responsibility, but try to avoid the unreasonable aspects in the system design.
It also shows that the current state compensation liability system has its reconstructive points. Therefore, this study refine the state compensation responsibility system from the constitution of the state responsibility, the performance of the state compensation responsibility and the coordination of the state compensation responsibility and the related system.
The subject of this study, the issue of state compensation liability, is actually a relatively small topic, but the objective event (nuclear accident) it deals with represents a typical event in the modern risk society - large-scale damage events. This kind of event has two basic characteristics: small occurrence probability but serious damage (small probability, high damage). Therefore, this study also hopes to have an exemplary significance for the expansion of national compensation liability to deal with general large-scale damage. In fact, there is an international agreement on the integration of nuclear damage and oil pollution, such as the international oil pollution and nuclear energy agreement >. The key issue of the plan is to find out to what extent a kind of private law can be found to be more public. The path of governance transfer (empirical analysis) and the extent to which such transfers are desirable, or may have negative effects (normative questions).
In a more highly theoretical sense, this study can also bring some reflections and changes to the traditional law theory in the new events and our rethinking of the nuclear energy policy. (1) the repositioning of the tort law. In the compensation for accident damage, the tort liability law should play its first role, but the nuclear accident Compensation for damages shows the limitation of the tort law, and the compensation liability of the state intervenes from the private law to the public law. (2) the complex entanglement between the law of tort and the administrative administration. The state compensation liability is inseparable from the rise of the modern regulated state. There are numerous intersections, and how to well arrange the relationship between the two and give a better play to the function of the two is a subject that the contemporary law needs to solve. (3) the distinction between public law and private law. Further, the former legal changes show that the distinction between public law and private law is more blurred in the contemporary rule of law, but how to retain public law in the statute law countries The respective functions of the private law are the problems that the contemporary law needs to consider further. (4) reflection on the policy of nuclear energy. In the era of climate change and carbon reduction, the pursuit of renewable and low emission energy is an urgent task facing all countries. And how to make better energy form collocation in the existing energy is not a perfect energy source. In this case, the problem that needs to be solved first, and what position the nuclear energy should be in and whether the country needs to be given a policy inclination is a reflection of this research from the back end to the front end planning.
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