[Abstract]:China and Germany are both energy-consuming countries, and are also facing great pressure to safeguard energy security and maintain environmental safety. Renewable energy is domestic energy and clean energy as compared to fossil energy. The positive development of the renewable energy is beneficial to the improvement of the energy structure, the security of energy security and the protection of the ecological environment, and the sustainable development of the society. Both China and Germany attached great importance to the development and utilization of renewable energy, and adopted a variety of means to promote the development of the renewable energy law, and the legal means is one of the powerful means to promote the stable and rapid development of the renewable energy. Although China and Germany have a great difference in the area of land, population and political system, the Chinese and German Renewable Energy Law has a similar legislative idea. The similar legal tradition and the communication technology of China and Germany are also provided for the mutual reference of the Renewable Energy Law of China and Germany On the basis of the early start of the German renewable energy law, the legal index of the German renewable energy law is clear and specific, the legal norm is scientific and strict, the rights and obligations of the legal subject are clearly defined, the development is mature, and it is of great significance. It is worth the reference. First, the rational and definite renewable energy development goal is the premise and foundation of other legal systems, and it is given to Germany The strong driving force of the renewable energy. China's total target is now legally authorized to be formulated by the State Council, and there is no legally binding government in terms of the present reality of China The regulation of the total amount is the core and the key of the renewable energy law. Therefore, on the basis of respect for the characteristics and technical level of the resources of our country, it is necessary to develop the binding law in the early stage through the full and strict scientific demonstration and the citizen's participation procedure. The objective of the total amount of renewable energy is clearly defined. Second, the renewable energy laws of Germany have a very strong scientific and operational nature, and our country, as the core status, is the Renewable Energy Law. > It is also over-established and has no operability. The important issues such as compensation for renewable energy, compensation and so on shall be On the other hand, the region of China is vast, and the natural strip in all parts of China The difference is large, and the degree of economic development is different. Therefore, it is impossible to make such a difference. Germany, like Germany, is a very detailed renewable energy law. It is suggested that, under the national unity of development goals and the uniform system of regulation, the distribution and characteristics of the renewable energy resources within the region and economic conditions are allowed to be determined to be suitable for local development. In the last, in the choice of compulsory means, countries choose different compulsory systems to promote the development of renewable energy, which mainly includes: The system of purchase and purchase, the fixed price system and the green energy system. In terms of effectiveness, the fixed electricity price established by the German Renewable Energy Law The system has advanced the development of the renewable energy of Germany. It is suggested that in the beginning of the development of the renewable energy, reference should be made to the model of Germany, on the basis of fixed electricity price system, with strict network access regulation and other economic incentives.
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4 黄s,