[Abstract]:Environmental administrative legislation is not only an important link in the construction of regional administrative rule of law in the western minority areas, but also the construction of a new socialist countryside and a harmonious society in the western minority areas. An important means to promote the healthy and rapid development of regional economy and society; It is also an important basis and prerequisite for doing a good job in environmental administrative law enforcement in the large-scale development of the western region and realizing the sustainable utilization and development of environmental resources in the western minority areas. In recent years, the environmental administrative legislation in the western minority areas has made great progress, and has played an important and positive role in the field of environmental protection. However, at the same time, we should also be soberly aware that due to the restriction and influence of various factors, there are still many deficiencies in the work of environmental administration and legislation in the western minority areas, and some local laws and regulations. There are still obvious defects in the autonomy regulations and the separate regulations, so that the great effect of environmental administrative laws and regulations on environmental protection has not yet been brought into full play. As a result, the environmental protection work lags behind and the economic development level of the western minority areas lags behind, which can not meet the objective needs of environmental protection work. The problem of environmental administrative legislation involves two fields: environmental legislation and administrative legislation. At present, the academic circles do not pay enough attention to it, and the research on the present situation and improvement measures of environmental administrative legislation in the western minority areas is also very few. The purpose of this paper is to deepen the theoretical understanding of environmental administrative legislation, tap the potential of environmental administrative legislation in environmental protection, and explore the integration of environmental legislation and environmental administration. On this basis, this paper puts forward some personal reference opinions on how to perfect the environmental administrative legislation system in the western minority areas. The main research ideas of this paper are based on the reality of the western minority areas, pay attention to the effective combination of autonomy and legislative power in the ethnic minority areas, and comprehensively use the research methods such as analysis, comparison, examples and so on, in order to demonstrate more persuasive and consistent. Through the research, this paper deeply analyzes the defects and causes of the environmental administrative legislation in the western minority areas, and puts forward some reasonable countermeasures and suggestions for perfecting the environmental administrative legislation in this area. It is hoped that this paper will be beneficial to the construction of environmental administrative legislation in western minority areas, especially to the legalization of environmental administrative legislation system.
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