[Abstract]:Environmental tort is a kind of special tort which leads to environmental pollution and ecological damage caused by human activities, resulting in damage to other people's property or physical health. With the increasing number of environmental tort in modern society, more and more attention has been paid to the environmental liability caused by environmental tort. Environmental liability includes environmental administrative liability, environmental criminal liability and environmental civil liability. Civil liability for environmental tort refers to the civil legal liability of citizens and legal persons for personal and property losses caused by pollution and damage to the environment. It is the most effective way to remedy the victims of environmental tort. Environmental tort is a new form of tort in our country. Compared with the traditional tort, environmental tort has its unique characteristics, and it is precisely because of these characteristics that there are many differences between environmental tort and traditional tort. The civil liability system of environmental tort is still in the stage of research and development, and there are many problems that need to be solved in theory and practice. The author takes this as the subject to carry out research, hoping to do his best to perfect the civil liability system of environmental tort in our country. The full text is divided into four parts. The first part is the basic category of civil liability for environmental tort, which mainly explains the concept and characteristics of environmental tort, the definition of civil liability for environmental tort, and the theoretical basis of civil liability for environmental tort. The second part is the current situation and trend of foreign environmental tort civil liability system from the perspective of comparative law. In this part, it mainly compares and examines the environmental tort civil liability system in the United States and Japan. The civil liability system of environmental tort in France and Germany is analyzed, and the trend of civil liability system of environmental tort in foreign countries is analyzed. The third part is the rational reflection on the legal system of civil liability for environmental tort in our country. On the basis of analyzing the present situation of the civil liability system for environmental tort in our country, it reflects on the legislative defects of the civil liability for environmental tort at present. Finally, from the constituent elements of civil liability for environmental tort in China, this paper establishes the principle of no-fault liability for environmental tort, clarifies the scope of environmental tort, clarifies the burden of proof, establishes the rules of presumptive causality, and perfects the filling system of environmental tort damage. This paper puts forward some countermeasures for the reasonable construction of the civil liability system of environmental tort in China from seven aspects, such as the establishment of the environmental liability insurance system and the construction of the public liability system.
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