他说 的翻译结果
He said: "A translator must be a genuine cultural cultivated person, he should master two languages, and that's true. However, if one knows little about the social cultural knowledge in the language, he wouldn't master a language well. Translators may just deal with specific word, yet what they are facing are two macro cultures."
The Inner Mongolian prairie is Zhang Cheng—zhi literature creation cradle , also is dream of the load bearing Zhang Cheng—zhi Utopia together mainland, he said that, "the prairie is my complete literature profession cause and the hotbed. Even should say, the prairie was has raised my all characteristics one kind of mother".
Although he said he had seen the rosy dawn after the dusk, it was the hope which he dared not believe himself.
他似乎很难将这两者融合起来 ,尽管他说他看到了黄昏之后的朝霞 ,但那是一种连他自己也不敢相信的希望而已。
He said,he likes this background culture mixed with traditional old Shanghai and modern new Shanghai. Shanghai is the fifth foreign city he serves in his official posts.
(2) the optical variation is associated with the variation of the radio spectral index a(5-8.3GHz). Specifically both the optical increases and maxima are related to the shift of the radio spectral maximum towards higher frequencies;
(2)光学变化和射电频谱指数α_5 ̄(8.3)的变化相关,具体他说,光学的增强和极大都与射电频谱反转频率向高频的位移有关;
In his masterpiece “Death in the Afternoon” in 1932 , Hemingway outlined his "theory of omission" or "iceberg principle."
It is a body, has a spirit, is organic, and fluid to the influence of its spirit.
The New Marriage Law:People Are Remarking
Did he say chickens?
We Never Told Him He Couldn't Do It
Say Something about Metronome
Say "Preface"
He Is a Barber
A Wrst reaction is res ipse loquitur, the thing speaks for itself.
he said
"He said, she said": Sexual harassment in the fractured criminal justice work place
Even in philosophy Lambert kept pace with Kant ('Criterium veritatis', 1761 when he said: "Wir wissen, dass Gestalt und Gr?sse vom Orte umabh?ngige Bestimmungen sind".).
His cousin, he said, talked almost like Settembrini, without regard or reverence for suffering.
Their rejectionist attitude toward modernity, he said, was delaying redemption.
He said that the outcome of the case was "unsatisfactory" and did not accord with the agreement of the parties.
It is important but difficult to study the stability problems of elastic bodies based on mathematical theory of elasticity. In [ 1 ], B. B. had obtained the equilibrium equations and boundary conditions, but he did not give any practical solution.
Dr. James S. C. Chao is an alumnus of the formerWusong Marine College, Shanghai, and now the presidentof Foremost Marine Corp. New York, U.S.A.. Invited bythe Center for Transportation Studies, which is sponsoredjointly by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Har-vard Business School, he gave a speech to the joint M. I.T. and Harvard Business School graduate seminar at theHarvard Business School campus in Boston, Mass. on March17, 1982. In his speech on "International Shipping", Dr.Chao talked about the...
Dr. James S. C. Chao is an alumnus of the formerWusong Marine College, Shanghai, and now the presidentof Foremost Marine Corp. New York, U.S.A.. Invited bythe Center for Transportation Studies, which is sponsoredjointly by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Har-vard Business School, he gave a speech to the joint M. I.T. and Harvard Business School graduate seminar at theHarvard Business School campus in Boston, Mass. on March17, 1982. In his speech on "International Shipping", Dr.Chao talked about the prospects and opportunities, and "whysome entrepreneurs are successful and the others are not".His speech was hailed by Dr. Henry S. Marcus, the associateprofessor of Marine System at M.I.T. Center for Transpor-tation. Dr. James S. C. Chao's elder daughter, Elaine L.Chao, also gave a speech on "How to Build Successful Rela-tionships with Bankers" to the seminar. She is a M. B. A.graduated from Harvard Business School and working inthe Citibank, N.Y.. In this speech, it was pointed out that the shipping is,basically, a very cyclical and volatile business. The inter-national shipping industry has become vastly more sophis-tical and complex economically and technologically. Thereare three new factors which have entered the market to shapethe fortunes of shipping companies, i. e. (1) Extensiveinvolvement with financial institution; (2)Participation ofthe shipyards; (3) Changes in shipowner's mentality. To achieve success, the following steps are essential and impor-tant: (1)Good managements; (2)Substantial financial status;(3)Adopting a conservative rather than a speculative stra-tegy; (4)Flexible and adaptable strategic planning; (5) Adesire to serve and to contribute. Dr. Chao suggested to the students that the following canbe practically applied to any approach in starting a shippingcompany: (1)A joint venture with a big company or a periodfreight contract from a reliable charter is more prudent thandoing spot market business through brokers when first start;(2) Financing is a necessity for investing in shippingnowadays; (3)Budgeting is crucial to a company's stabilityand thus, its success; (4) Planning involves determiningthe kind of company to be formed; (5) Prior to doing allthe above, you must make up your mind. At the final of his speech, Dr. James S. C. Chao saidthat the teaching of business practice and thought in Chinacould be dated back to 500 B.C. when Confucianism began toflourish. He quoted two proverbs, "To raise one corner of asubject you should infer the other three." and "Don't be temp-ted by quick profits to lose wisdom." from Confucius toadvise the students: The first one, do; the other is "don't".
According to the descriptions in“A History of Agriculture in India”by Randhawa,M.S.(1980),it is clear that the history of rice cultivation in India is later than that inChina.Randhawa reviewed the archaeobotanical records of rice in 36 places in India.Among them,the earlist one where rice has been cultivated goes back to 2300 B.C..As forChina there are 40 places of prehistoric archaeobotanical records of rice cultivation,ofthem 2 places can be traced back to 7000 B.P.,3 places to 6000 B.P.,7 places to 5000 B.P.,21...
According to the descriptions in“A History of Agriculture in India”by Randhawa,M.S.(1980),it is clear that the history of rice cultivation in India is later than that inChina.Randhawa reviewed the archaeobotanical records of rice in 36 places in India.Among them,the earlist one where rice has been cultivated goes back to 2300 B.C..As forChina there are 40 places of prehistoric archaeobotanical records of rice cultivation,ofthem 2 places can be traced back to 7000 B.P.,3 places to 6000 B.P.,7 places to 5000 B.P.,21 places to 4000 B.P.,and 7 places to 3000 B.P..So it is obivious that the archaeo-botanical records of rice cultivation in China is more ancient than that in India.The mostancient literature of India is the Vedas,which was compiled by Aryans in about 1000 B.C.but rice is not mentioned in the early Vedic literatures.In regard to China the history ofrice cultivation has been 5000 years as mentioned by numerous Chinese ancient literatures.It is meaningful to review the viewpoint of De Candolle(1886)and Vavilov(1949/1950) on the origin of cultivated rice.De Candolle proposed that China was aprobable country where rice was originally cultivated.He said:“When I said the cultiva-tion of rice in India was probablly more recent than in China,I did not mean that theplant was not wild there(India).Rice existed perhaps before all cultivation in SouthernAsia from China to Bengel as shown by the variety of names in the monosyllabic lan-guages of the races between India and China.”On the other hand,Vavilov proposed thatIndia is the native country on the origin of cultivated rice,and China with other Asianrice regions are the sceondary center.His words were based upon the distribution of com-mon wild rice and the abundance of cultivated rice varieties in India.It seems thatVavilov did not know about the geographic destribution of common wild rice in southernChina.Moreoves,rice varieties are much more numerous in China than those in India.Based upon the above-mentioned facts,the auther of this paper concludes that theChinese rice was originally developed in China,and was not introduced from India.
根据‘印度农业史’的纪述,印度种稻的历史是晚于中国的。该书引用印度稻谷考古学纪录计36处,其中最早的一处是公元前2300年的。与中国比较,中国史前出土稻谷40处,有2处是距今7000年的,3处距今6000年的,7处距今5000年的,21处距今4000年的,7处距今3000年的。印度最古老的文字记载是梵文经典(Vedas),我国称之为吠陀经。梵文是雅利安人(Aryans)的文字。吠陀经大概是在公元前1000年缩成的。在最古老的吠陀经里并没有提到水稻。与中国比较,中国神农氏教民稼穡,稻为五谷之一,距今约为5000年,是早于印度的。1886年 DeCandolle 说到中国种稻的历史早于印度,他说:“栽培稻可能原出亚洲南部的中国直到盂加拉之间,因为在中国与印度之间,各民族对稻的称呼都是单音节的。”再者,中国有普通野生稻分布。中国栽培稻种的变异非常丰富多采,中国的栽培稻种质资源是多于印度的。由以上各方面所见,中国的栽培稻种不是来自印度。Vavilov 把中国列为栽培稻的次级起源中心,那是不确切的。栽培稻是中国的原产作物。
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