本文选题:彩礼返还 + 哈萨克族 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The custom of bride price has a long history in our country, Kazakh nationality is no exception. The Kazakh people were influenced by their religious belief, production and life style, and the system of the right of husband, and formed unique customs and habits, such as the bride price, the inheritance system of young children and the system of succeeding marriage. With the continuous progress of society, the development of productive forces and the influence of national family planning policies, the marriage and family customs of Kazakh people have been simplified with the change of their ideology, and many of them have gradually disappeared or become an example. But the custom of bride price still maintains the characteristics of Kazakh nationality and widely exists in every family of Kazakh nationality. Not only that, in farming and pastoral areas, with economic development, people's income level, the value of the bride price also increased. Different from the old customs, the new generation of Kazakh people have more and more autonomy over marriage. Divorce and dissolution of marriage contract occur from time to time, resulting in an increasing number of disputes over the return of bride price. However, In 2003, the Supreme people's Court promulgated the interpretation of certain issues concerning the Application of the Marriage Law of the people's Republic of China (II) > the vague provisions on the return of the bride price, issued by the Supreme people's Court in 2003. Can not satisfy all kinds of bride price problems in practice. Especially when it comes to the custom of bride price of minority nationalities, the dispute about the return of bride price can not be done well, which is not conducive to the maintenance of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and the harmony and stability of the society in the agricultural and pastoral areas. Therefore, this paper probes into the theoretical basis and practical experience of the return of the bride price, seriously reflects on the causes and countermeasures of the dispute over the return of the bride price, and takes the issue of the return of the bride price of the Kazakh nationality as the main research object. In order to find a way to improve the legislation and the judiciary.
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