[Abstract]:Although matrimonial immovable property applies the law of the location of real estate to protect the interests of the owner of the property registration, it may result in unequal results for the parties. In recent years, in particular, more divorces have found it difficult to claim rights to property and wives registered under their husbands' names. Based on the gender equality theory, the social gender theory provides the relevant legal system design for the distribution of matrimonial immovable property to protect the equal rights of women, such as the law of party autonomy choice and the law of common habitual residence, etc. In harmonizing the application of these legal systems, consideration may be given to whether the interests of third-party creditors other than spouses are affected: if so, the law of choice of party autonomy or the law of the common habitual residence; If there is no influence, the law of immovable property location should be applied, that is to say, the registration requirement of immovable property should be satisfied.
【作者单位】: 安徽财经大学商学院;
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