[Abstract]:The civil law and kinship law of Taiwan is a special regulation to regulate the legal relationship between family and marriage, which has a strong feudal color. With the development of society, the content stipulated in the relative section of the civil law has not been able to meet the needs of social economic life. For this reason, Taiwan began to study and amend the law in 1977. After nearly three years, 35 articles were amended, 10 articles were added and four articles were deleted, which were formally promulgated in June 1985. This is the first major amendment since the implementation of the civil law relative article in 1931. This amendment has certain significance in the history of Taiwan's kinship law (Marriage Law). First, establish the principle of equality between men and women. The unequal joint property system of husband and wife is embodied in the former civil law of Taiwan, which stipulates that the property acquired during the existence of the husband and wife shall be owned by his husband. The common legal property system of Taiwan civil law is the joint property system, the greatest characteristic of which is that the husband and wife property is composed as joint property. According to the provisions of the joint property system, the wife's property is divided into original property and unique property. Wife-specific property refers to the property acquired by the wife as a result of her own labour, over which the wife has ownership and control rights, and the husband shall not
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