发布时间:2018-09-10 15:52
【摘要】: 一男一女要排他的自愿结合,除了必须具备法律规定的结婚实质要件以外,还必须按照法律规定的程序结婚,以获取法律上的正式婚姻,这个程序就是所谓的婚姻成立的形式要件,也正是本文所要研究的对象。本文从婚姻成立以及结婚形式要件的有关基本理论入手,然后对不同国家的结婚形式要件进行比较分析,再对我国的结婚形式要件进行历史审视,从而找出我国单采一元登记婚制度的不合理之处,对仪式婚制度的可采性进行分析,建议进行形式婚姻的二元建构。 全文共五个部分: 第一部分:婚姻成立的基础理论。本部分先对婚姻成立的概念及其特征进行论述,然后再对婚姻成立与相关概念进行比较,区分了婚姻的成立与生效,婚姻的成立只是一个事实问题,,而婚姻的生效则是已经成立的婚姻因符合法定的有效要件而取得法律认可的效力,它是一个价值判断问题。最后论述了婚姻成立的要件及其法律后果,其中重点强调了婚姻的成立在形式上只要具有社会公示性,使不特定的第三人可以获悉男女双方的婚姻状况既可。 第二部分:结婚形式要件。本部分首先论述了结婚形式要件与婚姻制度的关系,指出正是婚姻制度的存在造就了形式婚主义与事实婚主义这两种立法主义。然后论述了结婚形式要件的涵义及其功能,指出结婚实质要件的具备,只是使婚姻的成立产生了可能性,而要使可能性转变为现实性,还必须履行一定的法定程序,这种程序方面的要件就是结婚的形式要件,它是婚姻取得社会承认的方式,具有非常重要的公示、公信性。一般情况下,符合结婚实质要件的当事人,只有履行法定的结婚程序,其婚姻关系才被国家和社会承认,发生相应的法律效力。 第三部分:结婚形式要件的比较法研究。本部分对各国的结婚形式要件进行了宏观考察和微观分析,并从中得出启迪:我们也应该在结婚形式要件上更加注重对婚姻当事人个体的尊重和重视,尽量使婚姻当事人有更大的婚姻自主权。 第四部分:对我国结婚形式要件的历史审视。本部分首先对我国古代的结婚形式进行了回顾,再论述我国近代结婚形式要件的立法规定,从而引出结婚形式与婚姻习俗有着紧密的联系,从某种程度上说,结婚形式是根植于婚姻习俗的,婚姻习俗的这种隐性约束力,使我们不得不重新看待和思考我国的一元登记婚制度。 第五部分:对我国结婚形式要件的反思。本部分首先对我国采取一元登记婚制度的不合理之处进行分述,一元登记婚制度不仅存在其固有的局限性,而且与我国的传统习惯和现实生活皆有冲突;然后分别论述了承认仪式婚的现实性、必要性和可行性;最后建议我国应当进行形式婚姻的二元制构建,提出我们应当正确评价传统的婚姻仪式,法律应采取宽容的姿态,在立法层面上进行一种沟通,沟通的结果是在制定法中进行形式婚姻的二元建构与并存,采取登记制与仪式制并采的方式,尊重当事人的选择,以解决现有的矛盾。
[Abstract]:A man and a woman who want exclusive voluntary union must not only have the essential elements of marriage stipulated by law, but also must marry according to the procedure stipulated by law in order to obtain the formal marriage in law. This procedure is the so-called formal elements of marriage establishment, which is also the object of this paper. Starting with the basic theory of formal requirements, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the formal requirements of marriage in different countries, and then makes a historical review of the formal requirements of marriage in China, so as to find out the unreasonable aspects of the system of univariate registration of marriage in China, analyze the acceptability of the system of ritual marriage, and propose the dual construction of formal marriage.
The full text consists of five parts.
The first part is the basic theory of the establishment of marriage. This part first discusses the concept and characteristics of the establishment of marriage, and then compares the establishment of marriage with the relevant concepts to distinguish the establishment and validity of marriage. The establishment of marriage is only a matter of fact, and the validity of marriage is the validity of the established marriage. It is a question of value judgment to obtain the validity of legal acceptance by means of important conditions. Finally, it discusses the essential elements and legal consequences of the establishment of a marriage, which emphasizes that the establishment of a marriage can be made known to an unspecified third party as long as it is formally public.
The second part: the marriage form important document. This part first elaborated the marriage form important document and the marriage system relations, pointed out is precisely the marriage system existence has created the formalism and the fact marriage doctrine these two kinds of legislations. The establishment of marriage has created the possibility, but in order to make the possibility into reality, we must also fulfill certain legal procedures. The procedural requirements are the formal requirements of marriage. It is a way of obtaining social recognition of marriage, with very important publicity and credibility. To fulfill the statutory marriage procedure, its marital relationship is recognized by the state and society and has corresponding legal effect.
The third part is the comparative law study of the marriage form requirements.This part makes a Macro-investigation and micro-analysis of the marriage form requirements of various countries and draws inspiration from it.We should also pay more attention to the respect and attention to the individual marriage parties in the marriage form requirements, so as to make the marriage parties have greater autonomy in marriage.
Part IV: A historical review of the elements of the form of marriage in China. This part first reviews the forms of marriage in ancient China, and then discusses the legislative provisions of the elements of the form of marriage in modern China, which leads to a close relationship between the form of marriage and marriage customs. To some extent, the form of marriage is rooted in marriage customs. The implicit binding force of marriage custom makes us have to re-consider and reconsider our unitary marriage registration system.
Part V: Reflections on the requirements of the form of marriage in China. Firstly, this part discusses the unreasonableness of the unitary marriage registration system in China. The unitary marriage registration system not only has its inherent limitations, but also conflicts with the traditional customs and real life of our country. Necessity and feasibility; Finally, it is suggested that China should construct the dual system of formal marriage, and put forward that we should correctly evaluate the traditional marriage ceremony, the law should adopt a tolerant attitude, and conduct a communication at the legislative level. The result of the communication is the dual construction and coexistence of formal marriage in the enactment law, the registration system and the registration system. The way of ritual system is adopted, respecting the choice of the parties, so as to solve the existing contradictions.
[Abstract]:A man and a woman who want exclusive voluntary union must not only have the essential elements of marriage stipulated by law, but also must marry according to the procedure stipulated by law in order to obtain the formal marriage in law. This procedure is the so-called formal elements of marriage establishment, which is also the object of this paper. Starting with the basic theory of formal requirements, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the formal requirements of marriage in different countries, and then makes a historical review of the formal requirements of marriage in China, so as to find out the unreasonable aspects of the system of univariate registration of marriage in China, analyze the acceptability of the system of ritual marriage, and propose the dual construction of formal marriage.
The full text consists of five parts.
The first part is the basic theory of the establishment of marriage. This part first discusses the concept and characteristics of the establishment of marriage, and then compares the establishment of marriage with the relevant concepts to distinguish the establishment and validity of marriage. The establishment of marriage is only a matter of fact, and the validity of marriage is the validity of the established marriage. It is a question of value judgment to obtain the validity of legal acceptance by means of important conditions. Finally, it discusses the essential elements and legal consequences of the establishment of a marriage, which emphasizes that the establishment of a marriage can be made known to an unspecified third party as long as it is formally public.
The second part: the marriage form important document. This part first elaborated the marriage form important document and the marriage system relations, pointed out is precisely the marriage system existence has created the formalism and the fact marriage doctrine these two kinds of legislations. The establishment of marriage has created the possibility, but in order to make the possibility into reality, we must also fulfill certain legal procedures. The procedural requirements are the formal requirements of marriage. It is a way of obtaining social recognition of marriage, with very important publicity and credibility. To fulfill the statutory marriage procedure, its marital relationship is recognized by the state and society and has corresponding legal effect.
The third part is the comparative law study of the marriage form requirements.This part makes a Macro-investigation and micro-analysis of the marriage form requirements of various countries and draws inspiration from it.We should also pay more attention to the respect and attention to the individual marriage parties in the marriage form requirements, so as to make the marriage parties have greater autonomy in marriage.
Part IV: A historical review of the elements of the form of marriage in China. This part first reviews the forms of marriage in ancient China, and then discusses the legislative provisions of the elements of the form of marriage in modern China, which leads to a close relationship between the form of marriage and marriage customs. To some extent, the form of marriage is rooted in marriage customs. The implicit binding force of marriage custom makes us have to re-consider and reconsider our unitary marriage registration system.
Part V: Reflections on the requirements of the form of marriage in China. Firstly, this part discusses the unreasonableness of the unitary marriage registration system in China. The unitary marriage registration system not only has its inherent limitations, but also conflicts with the traditional customs and real life of our country. Necessity and feasibility; Finally, it is suggested that China should construct the dual system of formal marriage, and put forward that we should correctly evaluate the traditional marriage ceremony, the law should adopt a tolerant attitude, and conduct a communication at the legislative level. The result of the communication is the dual construction and coexistence of formal marriage in the enactment law, the registration system and the registration system. The way of ritual system is adopted, respecting the choice of the parties, so as to solve the existing contradictions.
相关期刊论文 前1条
1 杨琬一;;浅议“借壳婚姻”[J];法制与社会;2008年17期
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2 杜洪硕;结婚登记瑕疵及其立法完善[D];吉林大学;2011年
3 姚洪涛;婚姻登记制度研究[D];郑州大学;2011年
4 张海;论使用虚假信息登记结婚的认定和处理[D];西南政法大学;2011年
5 姜航;论婚姻登记瑕疵问题[D];华东政法大学;2009年
6 张慧芳;瑕疵婚姻制度研究[D];郑州大学;2010年
7 朱天娣;婚姻登记瑕疵问题的法律探析[D];郑州大学;2013年