本文关键词: 公司 信托 回归 出处:《西南政法大学》2006年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:公司制度与信托制度都是萌生并演成于近代西方资本主义社会的两项重要的经济和法律制度。 公司制度的出现使得“生产规模惊人地扩大了,个别资本不可能建立的企业出现了”。在过去的一个多世纪中,公司制度无疑是社会经济和法律体系中最为重要的财产安排。资本主义在短短的一百年内创造和积累的财富能够超过过去数个世纪的总和,很大程度上正是有赖公司制度。有了公司制度,才有了资本主义工业革命的波澜壮阔,也才有了从近代社会向现代社会的转型。建立现代企业的公司制也是我国国有企业改制的主攻方向。 信托制度源起于英国衡平法,虽然它被称誉为英美法上“最伟大、最独特的成就”,但很长时期内,其影响力都仅及于英美法系国家。信托制度在大陆法系国家受到冷遇,我国更是迟至2001年始才颁行《中华人民共和国信托法》。信托制度的价值并没有得到重视,只是由于两大法系的日渐融合,越来越多的大陆法学者才开始关注起这一独具英美法特色的财产制度来。 通常我们都认为,,公司与信托虽然同为民商事财产制度,二者的范围领域和价值理念都相去甚远,难谓有多少交合。本文探讨这两项看似并无联系的制度之间的关系,意在寻求问题的切入点,以期促成制度之间的借鉴与交融。公司和信托实际上都是一种财产的移转和管理方式,这对于我国国有企业的改革颇有借鉴意义。由于我国公有制的社会性质,以何种制度架构作为国有资产的移转和管理方式也就成为我们必须作出的选择。 本文的考察以纵向的发展中的公司制度与信托制度的合与分为主线,从合合分分、分分合合的脉络之中去探寻两者之间的关系。全文共计十八万字,除引言和尾论外,文章主体为三个部分共五章。 引言部分首先大致交代了研究的背景,然后指出本题具有之研究价值,以及学界对此问题的研究现状。本文的价值在于将公司与信托纳入同一视野作较为深入的比较研究。与以往研究的不同之处,在于过往的研究者多重视横向比较二者
[Abstract]:Corporate system and trust system are two important economic and legal systems in modern western capitalist society. The emergence of the corporate system has made "the scale of production surprisingly expanded, individual capital impossible to set up the emergence of enterprises"... in the past more than a century. The corporate system is undoubtedly the most important property arrangement in the social, economic and legal systems. Capitalism can create and accumulate more wealth in a short period of one hundred years than in the last few centuries combined. To a large extent, it is the company system that makes the capitalist industrial revolution magnificent. Only then has the transformation from modern society to modern society, and the establishment of the company system of modern enterprises is also the main direction of the reform of state-owned enterprises in China. The trust system originated in English equity, although it is called "the greatest and most unique achievement" in British and American law, but for a long time. Its influence is only in the common law countries. Trust system in the continental law system countries received cold reception. The value of trust system has not been paid much attention to in China until 2001. The value of trust system has not been paid attention to, only because of the gradual integration of the two major legal systems. More and more mainland law scholars began to pay attention to this property system with the characteristics of Anglo-American law. Usually we all think that although the company and trust are civil and commercial property system, the scope and value of the two are very different. This paper explores the relationship between these two seemingly unrelated systems in order to find the starting point of the problem. In order to promote the system of reference and blending. Companies and trusts are in fact a property transfer and management, which is quite useful for the reform of state-owned enterprises in China. Because of the social nature of public ownership in China. What kind of institutional framework should be used as the transfer and management mode of state-owned assets has become the choice we must make. In this paper, the vertical development of the company system and trust system and divided into the main line, from the context of division and division to explore the relationship between the two. A total of 180,000 words. In addition to the introduction and the end, the main body of the article consists of three parts and five chapters. The introduction first gives a brief account of the background of the research, and then points out the research value of this topic. The value of this paper is to put the company and trust into the same field of vision for a more in-depth comparative study. It is in the past that researchers pay more attention to the horizontal comparison.
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