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发布时间:2024-07-03 00:18
  法律英语是以英语共同语为基础,在立法和司法等活动中形成和使用的具有法律专业特点的语言。因此,在法律英语中不仅有众多的具有法律专门意义的特殊词汇,而且具有其特有的句法特点。 随着中国加入世界贸易组织,中国经济在更大范围内、更深层次上融入了世界经济。在当今这样一个高度法治化的社会,法律法规与人们的经济生活息息相关。来华投资的海外投资者需要了解中国的法律,因此,中国立法文本的英语翻译吸引了人们的注意。众多的学者和译者在理论研究和翻译实践的基础上,不断探索着中国立法文本汉英翻译的技巧。 然而,国内外对于英语以及汉语立法文本句法特点的比较分析,以及在此基础上对汉英翻译的研究还不够完整和具体。本文对这个问题进行了进一步的探讨和研究。 本文分五部分对此进行了系统地论述。 第一部分即“引言”介绍了研究法律英语的必要性和重要性以及本文的研究目的。 第二部分是文献综述,对法律、法律语言、法律英语作了简短的介绍。在对法律语言进行分类的同时,介绍了立法文本的范畴以及本文以此为分析依据的特点。另对法律翻译在西方以及中国的历史也作了简单介绍。 第三部分是本文的主体部分。在句法定义的基础上,具体论述了立法文本中法律...

【文章页数】:69 页


Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Law
    2.2 Legal Language
    2.3 Legal English
    2.4 Classification of Legal Language
        2.4.1 Gémar’s Six Subdivisions of the Language of the Law
        2.4.2 Bipartite System of Classifying Legal Texts
        2.4.3 Other Classifications of Legal Texts
        2.4.4 The Scope of Legislative Texts
    2.5 Brief History of Law Translation in the West and in China
        2.5.1 History of Law Translation in the West
        2.5.2 Law Translation in China
   Introduction of Chinese Law into the West
   Introduction of Western Law into China
Chapter Three Comparative Analysis of English and Chinese Legislative Texts at Syntactic Level
    3.1 The Definition of Syntax
    3.2 Syntactic Features of Legal English
        3.2.1 Declarative Sentence
        3.2.2 Complete Sentence
        3.2.3 Long Sentences
   Adverbial Clauses of Condition
   Adverbial Clauses of Time
   Adverbial Clauses of Manner
   Adverbial Clauses of Purpose
   Attributive Structure
        3.2.4 Parallel Structure
        3.2.5 The Expression of Modality
        3.2.6 The Coexistence of the Active Voice and Passive Voice
    3.3 Sentence Structure of Legal Chinese
        3.3.1 Declarative Sentences and Imperative Sentences
        3.3.2 Long Sentences
        3.3.3 Parallel Structure
        3.3.4 Topicalized Sentences
   Zero Subject Sentences
   The “…的”Structure
   The Structure with Prepositions “对” and “对于”
    3.4 Syntactic Comparison
        3.4.1 SP Structure in English and TC Structure in Chinese
   SP Structure in English
   TC Structure in Chinese
        3.4.2 Voice
        3.4.3 Word Order
Chapter Four English Translation of Chinese Legislative Texts at Syntactic Level
    4.1 Brief Introduction to Theory of Equivalence
        4.1.1 Jakobson and the Concept of Equivalence in Difference
        4.1.2 Nida’s Formal Equivalence and Dynamic Equivalence
        4.1.3 Newmark: Semantic and Communicative Translation
        4.1.4 Koller: Correspondence and Equivalence
        4.1.5 Further Comments on Equivalence
    4.2 Equivalence in Legislative Translation
    4.3 English Translation of Chinese Legislative Texts at Syntactic Level
        4.3.1 English Translation Techniques of Topicalized Sentences
   Translation of the “…的”Structure
       Translating into Conditional Clauses Led by “if”
       Translating into Clauses Led by “when”
       Translating into Clauses Led by “where”
       Translating into Clauses Led by “whoever”, etc
   Translation of Chinese Sentences without Subject
       Adding Subjects
       Transferring Chinese Objects into English Subjects
        4.3.2 English Translation Techniques of Voice
   Converting Chinese Marked Passive into English Passive
   Converting Chinese Unmarked Passive into English Passive
        4.3.3 English Translation Techniques of Word Order
Chapter Five Conclusion




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