发布时间:2018-06-17 12:38
本文选题:抢劫罪 + 暴力行为 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:抢劫罪是司法实践中比较多发的犯罪,历来是我国司法机关打击的重点。但在司法实务中,由于有关司法实务部门在对抢劫罪的构成特征及司法认定方面存在不同认识,因而产生不少争议,这不利于准确认定和惩处抢劫犯罪,本文根据有关的刑法理论,并结合笔者的刑事司法实践,结合大量笔者办理过的真实案例,对实践中认定抢劫罪常见的问题进行探讨。 本文正文分为三部分 第一部分:笔者对抢劫罪的概念和构成特征进行了剖析,在该部分,通过实践中与涉及抢劫罪概念和构成特征认定的案例,以期对抢劫罪的概念和构成特征作出清晰的界定。 第二部分:笔者结合具体的案例,对抢劫罪认定中的常见疑难问题进行探讨。主要从转化型抢劫罪的认定、抢劫罪情节加重犯和结果加重犯的认定、抢劫罪的停止形态问题等方面进行阐述。第一,关于转化型抢劫罪的司法认定在理论界和司法实务界一直是个争议的热点。笔者着重从抢劫转化的前提条件、客观条件、主观条件三个方面进行论述。同时,对已满14周岁未满16周岁的人能否构成转化型抢劫展开研讨。第二,关于抢劫罪的情节加重犯和结果加重犯的认定,专门针对刑法263条规定的八项加重犯情节进行分析,重点解析“入户抢劫”、“在交通工具上抢劫”、“持枪抢劫”三项规定。第三,关于抢劫罪的停止形态问题,笔者在对抢劫罪的既遂、未遂、犯罪预备和犯罪中止进行了系统论述。 第三部分,对抢劫罪与其他属于强取型的侵犯财产的犯罪予以辨析。在司法实践中,由于行为人抢劫财物的行为方式多种多样,加上犯罪构成特征上的相似性,容易导致抢劫罪与抢夺罪、抢劫罪、敲诈勒索罪、绑架罪、聚众哄抢罪、寻衅滋事罪、强迫交易罪的犯罪相混淆,为了准确认定抢劫罪,准确适用刑罚,有必要对抢劫罪与相关易混犯罪进行辨析。在这一部分,笔者主要从抢劫罪的基本构成特征出发,分析其显著区别于其他易混犯罪的地方,力图寻找一种显著的区分点,认定不同的犯罪。
[Abstract]:Robbery is a more frequent crime in judicial practice and has always been the focus of our country's judicial organs. However, in the judicial practice, due to the fact that the relevant judicial practice departments have different understandings on the constitutive characteristics of the crime of robbery and judicial cognizance, there are many disputes, which is not conducive to the accurate identification and punishment of the crime of robbery. According to the relevant criminal law theory, combined with the author's criminal judicial practice, combined with a large number of real cases handled by the author, this paper discusses the common problems in the practice of determining the crime of robbery. The text of this paper is divided into three parts: the author analyzes the concept and characteristics of robbery, and in this part, through the practice of the concept of robbery and the case of the identification of the characteristics of the constitution. In order to make a clear definition of the concept and characteristics of robbery. The second part: combined with specific cases, the author discusses the common problems in the crime of robbery. This paper mainly discusses the determination of transformed robbery crime, the determination of aggravated circumstances and resultant aggravated crime, and the problem of stopping form of robbery crime. First, judicial cognizance of transformed robbery is always a hot topic in theory and judicial practice. The author focuses on three aspects: precondition, objective condition and subjective condition of robbery transformation. At the same time, whether the person who has reached the age of 14 and under 16 can constitute a transformational robbery is discussed. Second, with regard to the determination of aggravated and consequential aggravated crimes of robbery, this article specifically analyzes the eight aggravating circumstances stipulated in Article 263 of the Criminal Law, focusing on the analysis of "robbery in the house" and "robbery on means of transport." There are three rules for armed robbery. Thirdly, on the form of stopping robbery, the author systematically discusses the accomplishment, attempt, crime preparation and discontinuance of robbery. In the third part, the crime of robbery and other crimes of infringing property are analyzed. In judicial practice, due to the variety of behaviors of the perpetrator of robbing property and the similarity of the constitution of the crime, it is easy to lead to the crime of robbery and robbery, extortion, kidnapping and mass robbery. In order to accurately identify the crime of robbery and apply the penalty accurately, it is necessary to discriminate and analyze the crime of robbery and the related easily mixed crime. In this part, the author mainly starts from the basic constitution characteristic of robbery crime, analyzes its remarkable difference from other easily mixed crime, tries to find a kind of remarkable distinguishing point, and finds out different crime.
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