[Abstract]:The act of self-help in criminal law is a special type of relief after the event of civil rights, which is generally regarded as a kind of illegal hindrance in the field of criminal law. In this paper, the study of self-rescue behavior is divided into three chapters according to the different research methods. The first chapter is the normative study in criminal law; the second chapter is the study of sociology of law and legal economics; the third chapter is the study from the perspective of law and literature. The first chapter includes the following contents: the concept of self-rescue behavior, the systematic position of self-rescue behavior in criminal law, and the systematic position of self-rescue behavior in criminal law. The scope of the establishment of self-rescue behavior in the context of the concept of crime in China, the significance of bringing the self-rescue behavior in public security management punishment and re-education through labor into the criminal law, the conditions for the establishment of self-rescue behavior, and the significance of the rule of law in the study of self-rescue behavior. This paper analyzes the relationship between the relevant provisions in the legislation and judicial interpretation of criminal law and the act of self-help by means of systematic thinking, and analyzes on the typical cases in criminal justice. The following conclusions are drawn: the existing norms in Chinese criminal law imply the logic of justifying the act of self-help, or at least there is no obstacle to its application. In the judicial trial, the theory on which the cases of suspected self-rescue behavior are judged also demonstrates the recognition of the act of self-rescue from the opposite side. Then, drawing lessons from the research results of general legal methodology, according to the reasoning process of judges in real life, This paper analyzes two different criteria for judging whether the act of self-help is established or not: the criterion of "social appropriateness" advocated by dualism and the standard of "legal interest measurement" of the worthless claim of result. This paper focuses on their objectivity and clarity value in guiding the judgment of specific cases, and draws the conclusion that the differences and arguments between the two may only be artificial imagination, and there is no corresponding existence in real life. The second chapter studies the factors that may be restricted to the implementation of self-rescue behavior in real life from the perspective of legal economics and sociology of law, that is, the difference of strength comparison and the affordability of opportunity cost in the implementation of self-rescue behavior. Under the restriction of the ability to carry out hierarchical violence and avoid excessive revenge, it is concluded that there are different functional relationships between self-rescue behavior and insufficient supply of the system as a theoretical presupposition, and it is concluded that in either case, There should be no unrealistic expected conclusion about the right relief effect of the act of self-help. Then it puts forward the viewpoint that different types of self-help behavior should be dealt with by different laws and social strategies. The third chapter takes literary and artistic works as "the favorite place of truth", analyzes and studies several popular Chinese and foreign film and television works and literary works in China, especially the Japanese film "hunt down", through its ironic narrative way. It reveals its profound and complex theme, that is, the reflection on the relationship between man and the state in modern society, and eulogizes the autonomy of the individual. At the same time, I feel that the individual faces the paradox of the weakness of the strong country and the unreality and rationality of the self-help behavior in the real society, and criticizes the realistic and irrational side of the country. The relationship between literature and law is briefly discussed.
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