发布时间:2019-06-19 07:09
【摘要】:聚众斗殴罪是一种严重侵害社会公共秩序的多发性犯罪行为,在犯罪的构成要件上,本罪所侵害的客体是社会公共秩序;本罪是行为犯,客观方面只要求具备一定的危害行为,对于危害结果、犯罪时间、地点等要素并不作要求。本罪在主观方面应表现为直接故意,只需行为人一方主观上具有故意即可,对他方的罪过不做要求,而且犯罪动机、犯罪目的等因素都不会影响到本罪的认定。 在日常生活中,特别是在娱乐场所中鱼龙混杂的人们很容易因为言语上的冲突引发矛盾,发生肢体上的冲突,甚至为了争强斗胜和所谓的哥们义气由普通的打架斗殴发展升级为聚众斗殴。聚众斗殴案件涉及人员多,每个人在整个斗殴事件中实施的行为、充当的角色等等都决定了的每个人在案件中的定性定罪等问题。本文根据《刑法》规定聚众斗殴罪的构成要件从犯罪行为、犯罪主体以及主观方面对凡连成等人聚众斗殴案进行分析。然后在此基础上界定被告人凡连成等人殴打冯英照这一行为没有侵犯社会公共秩序,也不属于聚众斗殴行为,不能认定为聚众斗殴的主体,不符合我国刑法中关于聚众斗殴罪的犯罪构成,不构成聚众斗殴罪。本文试图通过对聚众斗殴罪构成要件的探讨,以期待对刑法中聚众斗殴罪的构成由进一步了解,并希望在今后的工作中更好的运用所学知识捍卫法律的权威,为司法实务界今后更好的把握聚众斗殴罪略尽作者的绵薄之力。
[Abstract]:The crime of affray is a kind of multiple criminal behavior which seriously infringes on the social public order. In the constituent elements of the crime, the object infringed by this crime is the social public order; this crime is the act crime, the objective aspect only requires to have certain harmful behavior, for the harm result, the crime time, the place and so on the element does not make the request. In the subjective aspect, this crime should be manifested as direct intent, as long as one of the actors has intention subjectively, there is no requirement for the guilt of the other party, and the criminal motive, purpose and other factors will not affect the determination of the crime. In daily life, especially in entertainment places, it is easy for people who are mixed with each other to cause contradictions because of verbal conflicts, physical conflicts, and even upgrade from ordinary fights to mass fights in order to fight for victory and the so-called buddy righteousness. The case of mass brawl involves a large number of people, the behavior carried out by everyone in the whole brawl, the role played, and so on, which determine the qualitative conviction of everyone in the case. According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, this paper analyzes the crime of brawl from the aspects of criminal act, subject of crime and subjective aspects. Then on this basis, it is defined that the defendant Fan Liancheng and others beat Feng Yingzhao, which did not infringe the social and public order, nor did it belong to the act of public brawling, and could not be regarded as the subject of the affray, which did not conform to the criminal constitution of the crime of brawl in the criminal law of our country, and did not constitute the crime of brawl. This paper attempts to discuss the constituent elements of the crime of brawl, in order to further understand the constitution of the crime of brawl in criminal law, and hopes to make better use of the knowledge learned to defend the authority of the law in the future work, so as to better grasp the crime of brawl in the judicial practice in the future.
[Abstract]:The crime of affray is a kind of multiple criminal behavior which seriously infringes on the social public order. In the constituent elements of the crime, the object infringed by this crime is the social public order; this crime is the act crime, the objective aspect only requires to have certain harmful behavior, for the harm result, the crime time, the place and so on the element does not make the request. In the subjective aspect, this crime should be manifested as direct intent, as long as one of the actors has intention subjectively, there is no requirement for the guilt of the other party, and the criminal motive, purpose and other factors will not affect the determination of the crime. In daily life, especially in entertainment places, it is easy for people who are mixed with each other to cause contradictions because of verbal conflicts, physical conflicts, and even upgrade from ordinary fights to mass fights in order to fight for victory and the so-called buddy righteousness. The case of mass brawl involves a large number of people, the behavior carried out by everyone in the whole brawl, the role played, and so on, which determine the qualitative conviction of everyone in the case. According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, this paper analyzes the crime of brawl from the aspects of criminal act, subject of crime and subjective aspects. Then on this basis, it is defined that the defendant Fan Liancheng and others beat Feng Yingzhao, which did not infringe the social and public order, nor did it belong to the act of public brawling, and could not be regarded as the subject of the affray, which did not conform to the criminal constitution of the crime of brawl in the criminal law of our country, and did not constitute the crime of brawl. This paper attempts to discuss the constituent elements of the crime of brawl, in order to further understand the constitution of the crime of brawl in criminal law, and hopes to make better use of the knowledge learned to defend the authority of the law in the future work, so as to better grasp the crime of brawl in the judicial practice in the future.
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