[Abstract]:Whether there is an attempted form of robbery after the event is not explicitly stipulated by law, and the academic discussion is only from the point of view. Attempt is the opposite of accomplished, which clarifies the standard of accomplished and clarifies the standard of attempted. The judgment of accomplished and attempted is not only an objective description of criminal behavior, but also an important yardstick of the unity of balance between crime and punishment and sentencing. From the point of view of criminal legislation and theory at home and abroad, it should be considered that there is obvious rationality and necessity in the game and comparison of whether there is attempted robbery after the event. From the existing provisions of judicial interpretation in our country, combined with the nature of ex post facto robbery and the purpose of penalty, it is of great significance to clarify the attempted form of ex post facto robbery, both for the prevention of crime and for a fair trial. The duality of legal interest infringement and legal fiction of robbery after the event determine that it should be consistent with the standard of attempted robbery in terms of the identification standard of attempted robbery.
【作者单位】: 中国人民公安大学;
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