本文选题:县级行政机关 切入点:文明执法 出处:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:行政机关是处理社会公共事务的主体。市场经济的发展与社会文明水平的提高,使得社会公共事务涉及的范围更加广泛,公众对社会公共服务的要求也不断提高,客观上对行政机关的社会管理职能提出更高的标准与要求,行政机关文明执法成为必然。1987年改革开放三十多年以来,我国行政机关的治理能力与服务能力有了明显提高,执法能力与执法水平明显提升,文明执法取得长足发展。但受传统思想、公民素质等多方面的影响,行政机关文明执法还存在一系列的问题与不足。如采取暴力执法手段,违法正当程序钓鱼执法,滥用自由裁量权随意执法,执法过程中言语粗俗态度恶劣等不文明执法行为仍然时有发生,这严重损害了当事人的合法权益,损害了政府形象与公信力,破坏了法律的尊严。县级行政机关作为行政执法的主要载体,承担了大量基层的执法职责,其特殊性质和现实环境,使得它处在诸多矛盾的风口浪尖,对县级行政机关的文明执法要求也更加严格。 本文运用行政管理和依法行政的基本理论,阐述了县级行政机关文明执法的概念内涵与基本原则,论述了文明执法的重要意义,分析了县级行政机关文明执法失范的各种表现及其成因,探讨了推进文明执法的对策建议。 全文共分为六个部分。 绪论为本文的第一部分。在文献研究的基础上,阐述了选题的研究意义与研究目的,并对国内外关于行政执法的相关研究做了概述,阐明了本文的研究思路和研究方法,以及本文的创新点与不足之处。 第二部分是关于县级行政机关与文明执法的概念内涵以及文明执法的重要意义。本部分分为四个小节,第一小节阐述了县级行政机关的概念范畴。第二小节对文明执法的内涵进行概述。第三小节则概括了文明执法的四个基本原则:依法行政、公正合理、公开透明、最小损害。第四小节分析了行政机关文明执法的重要意义,主要表现在以下五个方面:文明执法有助于保障行政相对人的合法权益;文明执法有助于改善政府与公民的关系,是政府与公民关系的“润滑剂”;文明执法是改善政府形象,强化政府公信力的助推器;文明执法是维系社会秩序的重要保障;文明执法是推进政治文明建设的内在要求。 第三部分是关于县级行政机关文明执法失范的表现及危害。该部分首先概括了县级行政机关文明执法失范的几种表现:如执法目的不正当,执法手段不合法,滥用自由裁量权,执法程序不正当,执法用语粗俗,举止不当。然后论述了文明执法失范的危害,不文明执法不仅损害了相对人的合法权益,而且破坏了良好的社会秩序,弱化了政府的公信力。 第四部分根据县级行政机关文明执法失范的表现,从五个方面分析了文明执法失范的具体原因。第一,执法人员素质有待提高;第二,执法体制不合理;第三,执法监督机制不健全;第四,执法相对人法律意识淡薄;第五,政绩考核机制存在缺陷。 第五部分是关于实现文明执法的对策思考。针对不文明执法的成因,提出实现文明执法的措施:第一,提高执法人员的综合素质,严把执法队伍入口关,加强职业培训,转变执法观念;第二,健全行政执法体制,科学设置执法机构,理顺行政隶属关系以及权限划分;第三,强化对行政执法的监督,形成行政、立法、司法、社会等多角度监督机制;第四,提高相对人的素质,降低执法阻力;第五,完善政绩考核制度。 第六部分结语展望了文明执法所面临的挑战以及未来的发展方向。
[Abstract]:The administrative organ is the subject of social public affairs . The development of the market economy and the improvement of the level of the social civilization make the social public affairs more extensive , the public ' s demand for the public service of the public is improved , the law enforcement of the administrative organ is inevitable .
Based on the basic theory of administrative management and law administration , this paper expounds the concept and basic principles of the law enforcement of county administrative organs , discusses the significance of the law enforcement of the county level , analyzes the manifestations and causes of the failure of the law enforcement of the county administrative organs , and probes into the countermeasures to promote the law enforcement of the county level .
The full text is divided into six parts .
The introduction is the first part of this paper . On the basis of literature research , this paper expounds the research significance and research purpose of the topic , and gives an overview of the relevant research on administrative law enforcement both at home and abroad , and expounds the research thinking and research methods of this paper , as well as the innovation points and shortcomings of this paper .
The second part is about the concept connotation of county administrative organ and the law enforcement and the important meaning of the law enforcement . This part is divided into four sections , the first subsection describes the concept category of county administrative organ . The second subsection provides an overview of the connotation of the law enforcement . The third subsection summarizes the four basic principles of the law enforcement : administration according to law , fair and reasonable , public transparency and minimum damage . The fourth subsection analyses the important significance of the administrative organ ' s law enforcement , mainly in the following five aspects : the law enforcement helps to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the administrative counterpart ;
The law enforcement helps to improve the relations between the government and the citizens , and is the " lubricant " between the government and the citizens ;
The law enforcement is a booster to improve government image and strengthen government credibility ;
Fifth , there is a flaw in the performance appraisal mechanism .
The law enforcement is the internal requirement to promote the construction of political civilization .
The third part is about the performance and the harm of the law enforcement of the county administrative organs . The part firstly summarizes several manifestations of the law enforcement of the county administrative organs : such as improper law enforcement , illegal means of law enforcement , abuse of discretionary power , improper execution of law enforcement procedure and improper conduct of law enforcement , and then discusses the harm of law enforcement , which not only damages the legitimate rights and interests of the relative people , but also destroys the good social order and weakens the credibility of the government .
In the fourth part , according to the performance of the law enforcement of the county administrative organs , the author analyzes the reasons of the failure of the law enforcement from five aspects . First , the quality of law enforcement personnel needs to be improved ;
Second , the system of law enforcement is unreasonable ;
Third , the law enforcement supervision mechanism is not perfect ;
Fourthly , the relative legal consciousness of law enforcement is thin ;
The law enforcement is an important guarantee for the social order of the Department .
The fifth part is about the countermeasures to realize the law enforcement . In the light of the reasons of the law enforcement , the author puts forward some measures to realize the law enforcement : the first , to improve the comprehensive quality of law enforcement personnel , to strictly control the entrance of the law enforcement personnel , to strengthen the vocational training and to transform the law enforcement concept ;
Second , to perfect the administrative law enforcement system , to scientifically set up the law enforcement agencies , to straighten out the administrative affiliation and the division of authority ;
Third , strengthen the supervision of administrative law enforcement , form the administrative , legislative , judicial , social and other multi - angle supervision mechanism ;
Fourth , improve the relative human quality , reduce the law enforcement resistance ;
Fifth , improve the performance appraisal system .
The sixth part looks forward to the challenges facing the law enforcement and the direction of development in the future .
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