本文关键词: 两化融合 政府干预 产业结构合理化 产业结构高级化 出处:《经济管理》2017年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:How the integration of information and industrialization affects the changes of industrial structure. It is an important problem to be explored to promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. This paper attempts to describe the vector features of the integration as a two-dimensional measure of coupling degree and value-added capability. The internal mechanism of the integration of the two systems on the industrial structure change is explained. The OLS test and 2SLS test are applied to 31 provincial panel data from 2003 to 2014 in mainland China. It is found that the degree of coupling between the two systems, the ability of the two systems to add value, and the government intervention to promote the rationalization of the industrial structure and the process of the development of the industrial structure; (2) the government intervention can significantly promote the coupling degree of the integration of the two industries, and the positive effect of the value added ability of the integration of the two systems on the industrial structure upgrading and the rationalization of the industrial structure; 3) after the international financial crisis, the influence of coupling degree and value-added capability of the two systems on the industrial structure has decreased significantly, at the same time. The coupling degree and value-added ability of the integration of the two industries have an increasing positive impact on the rationalization of industrial structure. The regression results show that the integration of different regions has significant heterogeneity on the higher industrial structure. The positive impact of the integration on the rationalization of industrial structure has been verified. This paper believes that the impact of integration should be fully considered in the relevant research of industrial structure change, especially in the context of government intervention. According to the different development period and regional heterogeneity, it is the key point to establish the policy arrangement with timeliness and regional heterogeneity.
【作者单位】: 山东大学经济学院;山东大学管理学院;
【基金】:教育部创新团队“产业组织与企业成长”(IRT13029) 山东省自然科学基金面上项目“供给侧改革与制造业企业的信息化和服务化转型”(ZR2016GM11)
【正文快照】: 一、问题提出 改革开放以来,中国从贫穷的农业国一跃成为全球制造业大国(夏庆杰,2016),产业结构发生翻天覆地的重大变革,第一产业增加值占GDP的比重由1978年的27.7%下降到2014年的9.1%,而第三产业增加值占GDP的比重由1978年的24.6%上升到2014年的47.8%,一举成为推动经济增长
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