本文关键词: 流程优化 车间布局 瓶颈问题 Flexsim模拟仿真 RFID射频识别 出处:《哈尔滨理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of our economy, the oil and fat industry is also showing a very active situation, some oil companies are expanding constantly, and the competition between the oil and oil companies is becoming more and more fierce, but in order to stand out in many enterprises, In order to have a large market share, we must have a good process of production and operation. Therefore, if we want to survive and continue to develop in the fierce competitive environment, we must make JSHK's production materials transportation mode more simple and rapid by optimizing. First of all, this paper takes the production process of JSHK Company as the research object, uses the related professional knowledge of industrial engineering as the theoretical basis, through the field investigation, inspection and consultation, The problems in the production process are found. Secondly, the whole production process of JSHK Company is analyzed and combed by ECRS sequence program analysis, the bottleneck problem in the production process is found and the causes of the existing problems are analyzed. Combined with the actual situation in the factory area, this paper uses Flexsim simulation software to construct and simulate the production material transportation mode and workshop layout. Through the analysis of the running results of the simulation model, the present situation of the production process can be seen intuitively. Thirdly, through the introduction of RFID radio frequency identification technology, the packaging workshop production line is optimized, and the process of JSHK packaging workshop storage based on RFID technology is redesigned. According to the improvement of production and transportation mode, The introduction of RFID technology to adjust the layout of workshop is carried out modeling and simulation and secondary balance analysis respectively. Finally, through the personnel situation, the cost of production material transportation and the cost of packaging workshop production line are compared and analyzed. Therefore, the improvement effect before and after the optimization of production process is compared, and the guarantee measures for optimization of production process in JSHK Company are put forward, which are elaborated from three aspects of organization, system and technology respectively, so that the optimization scheme can be carried out and carried out smoothly.
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