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发布时间:2018-04-12 06:53

  本文选题:产业升级 + 技术升级 ; 参考:《天津工业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the context of the country's implementation of supply-side reform and the 2025 strategy made in China, as well as the changes in the international economic and market situation, clothing consumption upgrading has become the expectation of the industry and the market.That is, the diversification of high standard consumption demand and product structure will become the trend of development, but the traditional garment industry can not adapt to this kind of development either in production mode or in product quality, so the requirement of industrial upgrading is put forward.The base and guarantee of garment industry upgrading is the technological upgrading of manufacturing industry. Based on its contents and characteristics, this paper puts forward the innovation mode of production line to realize technological upgrading, and demonstrates its necessity and path.The first chapter is for the purpose, significance, thought and research method; the second chapter analyzes the background of the upgrading of China's garment industry, expounds the basic viewpoints and related concepts of the paper; the third chapter studies the technical level of China's garment manufacturing industry.The fourth chapter analyzes the industrial upgrading from the perspective of consumption upgrading, puts forward the concept of technological upgrading; the fifth chapter is the core of the paper.This paper puts forward the mode of flexible production line and its capability testing method, and demonstrates its effect by discussing the perceptible quality standard. Chapter 6 summarizes the arguments of this paper, and analyzes the conditions and difficulties of realizing technology upgrading.The expected results are evaluated.The research results of this paper provide specific strategies for the upgrading of garment industry, and provide reference routes and methods for the innovation and development of related enterprises.


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