本文选题:青岛海尔 + 股权激励 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The equity incentive mechanism is a long-term institutional arrangement to solve the problem that the owners and managers have different goals after the separation of the two rights. It affects the behavior of the incentive objects and then affects the performance of the company. Investment behavior is one of the most important decisions of enterprise management, which has a great impact on the performance and future development of the company, and investment efficiency is an important index to measure whether the investment behavior is effective or not. The long-term performance of the listed companies in China is not fully manifested because of the short time of implementing the equity incentive plan. This paper studies the impact of equity incentive on the investment efficiency of the company. It is through the study of whether the management will pay attention to the long-term development of the company and choose the investment project which is conducive to the long-term performance of the company after the implementation of the equity incentive scheme. Therefore, from the perspective of investment efficiency, the analysis of corporate equity incentive policy has become the test of the necessity of enterprises. This paper first introduces the research background and significance, domestic and foreign research status and related concepts and theories, and then selects Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd., the leading household appliance industry leader in China, as a case study. By analyzing the investment and financial data of the company from 2006 to 2015, this paper compares it with the average value of unimplemented enterprises, and then judges the influence of Qingdao Haier's equity incentive on the investment efficiency. Then it evaluates the effect of equity incentive of Qingdao Haier, and finds that its effect is not ideal. This is mainly due to two problems: one is that there are unreasonable problems in performance evaluation index, incentive object, incentive period and so on in the equity incentive scheme formulated by Qingdao Haier; the other is the imperfection of the internal governance structure of the company. In view of the problems existing in the equity incentive scheme of Qingdao Haier Company, this paper puts forward the optimization countermeasures: firstly, the establishment of a reasonable and effective equity incentive plan has a vital impact on its incentive effect. The company should adopt the incentive mode of the combination of multiple salary and stock right, adopt the combination of financial and non-financial indexes as the condition of exercise right assessment, and introduce punitive conditions to assess the incentive object. Through self-financing and incentive funds to solve the problem of funding sources. Secondly, the relevant measures are also very important for the implementation of equity incentives. While strengthening supervision, the company through the establishment of the exercise margin system to strengthen the executive constraints, and further improve the level of information disclosure of the company.
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