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发布时间:2018-04-30 16:44

  本文选题:中国 + 管道 ; 参考:《天然气工业》2017年09期

[Abstract]:At present, China's natural gas pipeline and other infrastructure construction is in a rapid development stage, there are many problems and contradictions in the process of reform. Thanks to the restructuring of the natural gas industry, including successful pipeline reforms, the United States and the United Kingdom have become the two most mature countries in the market of the natural gas industry. The experience in the course of development and reform is worthy of reference by China and other developing countries in natural gas industry. Therefore, the development and reform of the natural gas industry in the United States and the United Kingdom have been combed. This paper summarizes its experience and enlightenment: (1) the landmarks of the rapid growth period of the natural gas industry include the construction of the trunk pipe network and the rapid growth of consumption. The opportunity of natural gas reform in the two countries is both the mature stage of the natural gas industry development and the peeling off of the pipeline network. The goal of asset splitting can be achieved by a variety of paths. Furthermore, according to the development situation of natural gas industry in China, the paper puts forward the implementation path of natural gas pipeline reform: 1 ~ 2 years to achieve financial independence. To realize the separation of transportation business and sales business by 2019 the legal independence of pipeline business will be realized by 2020 or so. When the natural gas pipeline network in China reaches the mature stage, the upstream market main body and the downstream market main body will fully realize diversification. Natural gas price market reform tends to perfect before realizing the independent property rights of pipeline business.
【作者单位】: 中国石油规划总院;


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