随着世界经济的发展,人类社会进入知识经济时代,充分和有效的信息交流成为社会经济发展的一个关键因素。财务报告作为企业与外部信息交流的主要方式,其作用显得越来越重要。首先财务报告有利于完善资本市场,推动资源优化配置。其次它有助于维持和发展企业与外部相关利益集团的关系,以获得继续合作和支持。随着社会经济和技术环境的变化,现行财务报告模式表现出不适应性,受到了来自用户的强烈批评,为此,世界许多国家致力于完善财务报告理论的研究,试图探索一条改善财务报告的可行之路。在这一领域,比较具有影响力和代表性的是美国注册会计师协会在1994年发表的题为“改善企业报告——着眼于用户”的研究报告。这份报告指出,企业报告改善必须以用户信息需求为导向,大力提高会计信息的相关性。以此为原则,进一步提出了改善财务报告的多项倡议,目的是满足用户日益增加的对于决策相关信息的需要。 在我国,随着经济革新的进行,社会主义场经济体制和现代企业制度的建立,财务报告的重要作用逐渐显示出来,同时人们也对财务报告提出了新的要求。我国国有经济站主导地位,确保国有资产的保值和增值,不仅有利于国民经济的发展,更关系到社会主义制度的巩固,为此我们要利用财务报告提供的信息对国有企业的经营活动进行管理和监督;国有企业为求得发展,进行资本运营,需要借助财务报告掌握有关信息,以制定有效的兼并、重组等决策;国有企业改组为公司,并发行股票上市交易,必须在证券市场公开披露真实、可靠和相关的信息;国家进行宏观调控,需要利用来自财务报告的信息,进行加工、汇总,以制定相应的宏观经济政策,推动整个国民经济的健康发展。然而,我国对财务报告不足普遍重视不足,会计研究往往侧重于会计核算,对财务报告局限于介绍编制策略,国内鲜有关于这方面的专著。这对我国社会主义市场经济的发展十分不利。因此,加强财务报告的研究是时代对我们提出的紧迫要求。基于上述理由,笔者选择了财务报告这一课题进行研究。 从事财务报告研究,首先要解决以下四个不足,即向谁提供信息、提供什么信息、以何种形式提供信息以及何时提供信息,回答了这四个不足,才可能进行财务报告信息披露的研究。而这四个方面构成了会计目标的全部内容,因此,我们说,研究财务报告必须从会计目标谈起,因为会计目标是财务报告的定向机制,财务报告信息披露以目标为指南,它的改善和发展也必须紧紧围绕会计目标进行。如果会计目标不明确,财务报告研究就会无的放失,甚至出现前后矛盾的情况。财务报告从最初只有一张资产负债表,到现在包括三张财务报表和其他财务报告的历史演进过程,就充分说明了这一点。环境变化使信息使用者及其信息需求和信息供给者都有所转变,从而提出了新的会计目标,相应地,为了实现这一会计目标,财务报告也必须随之变化。因此,本文着重探讨两个不足,一、会计目标,在特定的社会环境下讨论这一不足,并对我国应确立什么样的会计目标提出个人见解。二、在会计目标的指导下,分
【Abstract】 In the modern society, full and efficient information exchange is a crucial factor in the development of society and economy. With the development of world economy, financial report, as the main means of enterprise conveying information to the outer, plays an increasingly important role. First, it helps to make capital market perfect and to promote the efficient dispose of resource. Secondly, it contributes to maintain and develop the relationships of enterprise with related interest groups. Confronted with the changes in the environment of economy and technology, there are some limitations in financial report, so it is necessary to improve it. In recent years, many countries in the world devote to the research of financial report in order to enhance the relevance and reliability of accounting information. The most influential and representative is the report named Improving Business Reports Customer Focus by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in 1991. In this report, AICPA emphasizes that the improvement must focus on the demand of customer for information related to make investment and other decision- makings and puts forward several worthy suggestions to improve the present report system. In our country, with the establishment of socialist market economy, people realize the importance of financial report to economy. Government making macro-control policies, enterprise issuing stocks, all this need information provided by financial report. But by now we haven’t made systematic research on the field which hinders the advance of economic reform in our country. That’s why I choose the subject. Research on financial report must begin with accounting objective, because the latter is the guideline to the former. Accounting objective decides the content and form of financial report. If accounting objective is not clear, financial report will shoot at random. So this thesis involves two aspects: one is accounting objective, the other is the improvement of financial report. This thesis is made up of four parts. Part one: Introduction. First, it gives the definition of accounting objective. Then points out that accounting objective consists of four aspects and makes explanations one by one. Secondly, the customers and suppliers of accounting information are two factors that influence accounting objective. The author discusses the influence of them against the specffic accounting environment accounting characteristics and technical level. Part two: Research on accounting objective. First, the author explains the two representative school of thoughts about accounting objective Accountability and Decision-usefulness. Then make some comparations between them to draw a conclusion that they are outcomes of different environment. Secondly, the author puts forward own opinion on the accounting objective of our country. First of all, the author analyzes the present situation in China, then under this given national conditions discusses the users and the suppliers of information, finally, points outs that in our country, accounting objective should be the integration of two school of thoughts. Part three: The limitation of present financial report. On one hand, it is the inherent attributes of financial accounting that make present report system unable to meet the need of users for information. On the other hand, the changes in the environment decrease the usefulness of financial report. In this part, the author analyzes th论文范文
【关键词】 会计目标; 财务报告; 现行财务报告; 提供信息; 报告模式; 决策有用; 改善和发展; 企业报告; 信息使用者; 受托责任学派;更多论文推荐: 各专业论文 海量论文下载