本文选题:工会经审工作 + 经费预算 ; 参考:《中国内部审计》2014年08期
[Abstract]:First, the introduction of China's Trade Union Law stipulates that trade unions should establish a budget, final account and funds examination and supervision system according to the principle of independence of funds. Trade unions at all levels set up funds examination committees. The income and expenditure of trade unions at all levels shall be examined by the Trade Union funds Review Committee at the same level. The basic duty of the Trade Union funds Review Committee is to examine and supervise the union's income and expenditure and property management. Trade union funds examination and supervision (hereinafter referred to as trade union review work) is an important part of trade union work. It is an important task for trade union organizations at all levels to strengthen the work of trade union review. On May 18, 2006, the Beijing Education Trade Union issued the Standard for the Standardization Construction of the funds Review of Beijing Education Trade Union (trial) > (hereinafter referred to as "the Standard"). The purpose and purpose of the "Standards" is to further promote the construction of standardization.
【作者单位】: 北京大学医学部;
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