[Abstract]:Since May 1, 2016, the banking industry has been formally incorporated into the pilot scope. In order to understand the influence of the reform on the banking management and taxation in Jiangxi Province, a survey was carried out on 12 banking financial institutions in Jiangxi Province. The results show that due to the increase of the applicable tax rate and the expansion of the taxable range in the initial period of the reform, the tax burden of the banks adopting the general tax law has increased overall, among which the tax burden of the policy-oriented banks and the joint-stock banks has increased significantly. A bank that uses a simple tax code to cut taxes. However, due to the introduction of preferential tax policies and the improvement of income tax management and business structure, the tax burden of banks is in a downward trend. At the same time, with the comprehensive implementation of the camp reform, there are some problems such as the reduction of local taxes and fees, the increase of the risk of bank tax, the shortage of income credit and the unfair tax burden of agricultural banks, and so on.
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