[Abstract]:There are differences between the new Accounting Standards for Enterprises and the old ones in terms of frame structure, initial investment cost measurement, application scope of cost method and equity law, and disclosure content. In the implementation of the new standards, we should perfect the supporting measures of the new accounting standards, speed up the construction of the internal and external environment, and improve the professional quality and ability of the accountants. The new accounting standards draw lessons from the international accounting standards. The new accounting standards regulate the accounting treatment methods and the disclosure of related information, and introduce the concepts of tax basis and temporary difference, and require enterprises to adopt the balance sheet method. Compared with the old standards, the new accounting standards take a completely different approach to the treatment of tax differences. Accounting center of gravity from the original profit statement as the center of gravity to the balance sheet as the center of gravity. Starting from the necessity of perfecting the basic accounting standards, this paper compares and analyzes the newly issued basic standards with those issued in 1992 and implemented on July 1, 1993. This paper probes into the construction and development of improving the basic accounting standards.
【作者单位】: 沈阳丰泽房屋开发有限责任公司;
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