[Abstract]:Corporate social responsibility scale is a powerful tool for the academic circles to carry out quantitative research in the field of corporate social responsibility and evaluate the practice of corporate social responsibility. For the first time, a scale of good reliability and validity has been developed in Chinese context to measure the cognition of accounting firm staff to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Based on the interviews with the partners and managers of accounting firms in China, and then using 175 valid data to measure, the developed scale contains 21 description items in three dimensions: (1) moral liability; (2) Charitable responsibility; (3) Human responsibility. Moral legal responsibility involves following the principles of professional ethics, abiding by accounting standards and standards, and providing audit services according to laws and regulations. This basic responsibility reflects the social obligations of the accounting profession; Philanthropic responsibility is concerned with promoting social improvement through voluntary work (such as giving), a finding consistent with existing literature; human responsibility refers to the protection and promotion of employee welfare by accounting firms. It shows the unique characteristics of corporate social responsibility in China. Finally, the application of the scale in theory and practice and the direction of future research are discussed.
【作者单位】: 北京联合大学商务学院;西苏格兰大学商学院;
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