[Abstract]:Macro-hedging accounting standards are separated from the general hedging accounting standards and are specially designed to deal with accounting problems in dynamic risk management. With the importance of financial risk prevention and management and the development of risk management market, the demand for macro hedging accounting standards is becoming stronger, because of mining, Energy and other entities, as well as financial institutions, usually manage interest rate risk, commodity price risk, and foreign exchange risk dynamically based on changing open portfolios. The IASB released a discussion paper in 2014, originally expected to release a final version of the standard by the end of 2015, but is still in the process of discussion due to its complexity. This paper reviews the causes, difficulties and progress of the formulation of macro-hedging accounting standards, aiming at providing some references for the continuous convergence of Chinese standards.
【作者单位】: 中证金融研究院;
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