发布时间:2018-01-06 00:24
本文关键词:筑与居:震后居住空间的建构 出处:《中国农业大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:房屋作为居所,提供居住与保护的功能;而在地震中,房屋因震损毁则意味着居住功能的断裂以及房屋作为生存条件的破坏。位于5·12汶川八级大震直接影响范围内的四川省章村93.2%的倒房率表明居住空间被损毁殆尽,因此,农房重建也就成为章村震后恢复重建的一项重要议题。在此背景下,国家和社会组织纷纷介入灾区开展村庄重建工作。本文基于田野调查,对章村震后农房重建进行了考察。本文认为,震后居住空间并不是一个物理空间的简单生成过程,而是作为话语性实在被社会地建构的过程。 第一,章村农房重建结果表现为混杂空间的生成。在Z基金会的定点援建之下,章村居住空间表现为统规统建的一致空间与个体重建的另类空间的并存,从而导致重建的农房成为差异并置的空间,作为私人空间的房屋成为既具有对外的展示性、又具有个体居住功能,既认可规划又否定规划,既连续又断裂,既使地震隐身又使地震显身的混杂空间。这一混杂空间表明了震后章村新的空间秩序的建立。 第二,章村农房重建过程表现出特殊性。在灾后重建的背景下,原本作为私人居住空间的房屋,建造行为却由基金会等外部力量主导,建造目标表现为对作为整体的村庄重建而非个体农房重建目标的实现,并且农房重建所依据的是外部机构的制度性逻辑,而非本地村民的日常逻辑。即,章村震后的居住空间并不是由灾民自己建造的,而是由国家以及以Z基金会为协调平台的外部力量建造的。 第三,居住空间作为话语性实在是经由多重话语建构而成的。章村居住空间并不是一个纯粹的物理空间,而是话语性实在,是经由参与式话语、规划话语、技术话语、建筑话语、机构话语、政府官方话语、灾害话语等多重话语建构而成的。进一步,外部力量介入章村空间秩序的生产与干预,源自话语与权力的相互建构性。 章村的经验现象表明,空间争夺成为章村震后居住空间生产的核心内容。震后居住空间的生产表现为外部力量进行空间争夺并实现意义表征的过程。这一空间争夺包括两方面含义,即特定空间形式的生产,以及由此空间形式所实现的特定的意义表征。空间争夺同样能够用于理解新农村建设、城中村改造、城市更新等社会工程中空间实践的运作逻辑。
[Abstract]:In this context , the reconstruction of rural housing is not a simple formation process of a physical space but a process of social construction as discourse . In the first chapter , the reconstruction result of Zhangcun Village is the generation of mixed space . Under the fixed point of Z foundation , the living space of Zhangcun is the co - existence of the same space with the individual reconstruction , thus leading to the reconstruction of the housing . Secondly , the reconstruction process of Zhangcun Village is special . In the background of post - disaster reconstruction , the construction behavior is dominated by external forces such as foundation , which is based on the institutional logic of external institutions rather than the daily logic of local villagers . Namely , the living space after the earthquake of Zhangcun is not built by the affected people themselves , but is built by the country and the outside force of the Z foundation for coordinating the platform . Third , the living space is constructed by the multi - discourse construction . It is not a pure physical space , but the discourse is true . It is constructed from multiple words such as participatory discourse , planning discourse , technical discourse , architectural discourse , institutional discourse , government official discourse and disaster discourse . The experience of Zhangcun shows that the space contest becomes the core content of the residential space production after the earthquake of Zhangcun . The production performance of the post - earthquake residential space is the process of space competition and meaningful representation of the external force . This space contest includes two aspects , namely , the production in a specific space form and the specific meaning representation realized by the form of space . The space contest can also be used to understand the operation logic of the space practice in the social engineering such as the new rural construction , the transformation of the city and the village , and the urban renewal .
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