本文关键词:中国古建筑外部空间照明视觉感受量化分析 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 中国古建筑 外部空间 照明亮度 照明方法 主观评价
【摘要】:随着我国经济的发展和城市现代化建设的热潮,现代化城市夜景灯光建设已经成为我国大中小城市发展的一个新特征。而我国夜景照明建设起步时间较短,特别是在古建筑外部空间照明方面还存在很多盲目性,,与之相关指导性的理论也相对较少。国内大多针对古建筑照明的研究是在技术层面展开的,在体现古建筑特色和营造适宜的环境氛围方面还存在很多争议。 本文从中国古建筑的特征、类型和照明状况作为切入点,针对中国古建筑外部空间的照明方法、照明亮度以及两者与观赏者之间的关系展开研究。一方面,选取北京永定门城楼、武汉晴川阁两座中国古建筑进行问卷调查和实景亮度测量,统计分析问卷调查的结果,探寻更好的表达中国古建筑意境和特征的方法,归纳总结出观赏者对于照明方法和照明亮度的感官需求。另一方面,研究以问卷调查和亮度测量的结果作为依据,通过计算机对两座建筑进行模拟,得到不同亮度比例关系的250个场景,并且针对这些场景完成了基于实验室条件下的主观评价实验。通过实验得到了中国古建筑最合理的照明亮度比例。希望研究结果能够为中国古建筑外部空间照明的建设提供一定的指导性依据。
[Abstract]:With the development of China's economy and the city modernization construction upsurge, the modernization of city nightscape lighting construction has become a new feature of large and medium-sized city development in China. And the starting time of our lighting construction is short, especially in ancient building external space lighting still have many blindness, and the relevant guidance the theory is relatively small. Most domestic research for ancient buildings lighting was carried out at the technical level, there are still a lot of controversy in the embodiment of ancient architectural features and create a suitable environment.
In this paper, from the characteristics of Chinese ancient architecture, types and lighting conditions as the breakthrough point, lighting method for external space of ancient buildings China, launched research on the relationship between the brightness and the two with the viewer. On the one hand, from Beijing Yongding gate, Wuhan Qingchuan Pavilion two ancient buildings Chinese conducted a questionnaire survey and real brightness measurement. Analysis of the results of the questionnaire, statistics, expression method China ancient building artistic conception and characteristics to explore a better, summed up the viewer for lighting method and lighting brightness sensory needs. On the other hand, the research on the questionnaire survey and brightness measurement results as the basis of the two buildings were obtained by computer simulation, the 250 scene different brightness proportion, and for these scenes completed the subjective evaluation under the condition of laboratory experiments. Based on the obtained Chinese the most ancient buildings It is hoped that the results of the study can provide some guidance for the construction of the external space lighting in ancient Chinese buildings.
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