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发布时间:2018-01-08 06:01

  本文关键词:配置组合封闭箍筋RC叠合梁受力性能研究 出处:《中国建筑科学研究院》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 叠合梁 受力性能 组合封闭箍筋 叠合面滑移

【摘要】:在各类装配式混凝土建筑结构中,钢筋混凝土(RC)叠合梁都是楼盖中主要的水平构件,其受力性能对楼盖结构整体性能甚为重要。按中国现有规范要求,叠合梁预制部分在制作时应伸出封闭箍筋,这给后浇混凝土中的纵向钢筋的安装带来诸多不便。参照美国相关规范的做法,本文提出一种新的箍筋构造形式—组合封闭箍筋:由带135°弯钩的开口箍筋与其上面附加的封顶钢筋共同组成。在叠合梁中应用此种箍筋,能够大大方便梁上部后浇层中纵向钢筋的安装,具有很高的工程应用价值。为了推广组合封闭箍筋在叠合梁中的使用,需对配置组合封闭箍筋的叠合梁的受力性能进行系统的研究。 本文共设计了22个RC叠合梁试件,分别研究配置组合封闭箍筋叠合梁在受弯、受剪及受扭作用下的受力性能,通过对比分析得出以下结论: (1)配置组合封闭箍筋叠合梁的受弯性能与配置传统封闭箍筋叠合梁基本相同,以受弯为主的叠合梁中,可以应用组合封闭箍筋。 (2)配置组合封闭箍筋叠合梁的受剪承载力与配置传统封闭箍筋叠合梁基本相同。剪跨比为2.62配置组合封闭箍筋的叠合梁,受叠合面滑移的影响较大,剪切破坏形态带有滑移,与配置传统封闭箍筋叠合梁略有不同;剪跨比为1.50的叠合梁的破坏形态与配置传统封闭箍筋叠合梁基本相同。在保证受力过程中水平叠合面不先于斜截面发生破坏的前提下,弯剪作用下的叠合梁中可以应用组合封闭箍筋。 (3)配置组合封闭箍筋叠合梁的受扭承载力与配置传统封闭箍筋叠合梁基本相同。在达到峰值承载力之前,配置组合封闭箍筋叠合梁与配置传统封闭箍筋叠合梁受扭性能基本相同。达到峰值承载力进入下降段之后,配置单钩组合箍筋的叠合梁的延性变差,梁上角部混凝土易于剥落,封顶钢筋的900弯钩有张开趋势;配置双钩组合箍筋叠合梁的性能与配置传统封闭箍筋叠合梁基本相同。故承受单向扭矩的叠合梁中可以配置双钩组合箍筋;不建议配置单钩组合箍筋,其性能有待进一步研究。 (4)试验结果及其分析表明,对于弯、剪、扭单调作用下的配置组合封闭箍筋叠合梁,可以按照《混凝土结构设计规范》GB50010-2010计算其受弯、受剪和受扭承载力。
[Abstract]:In all kinds of prefabricated concrete structures, reinforced concrete (RC) composite beam is in the floor level of the main component, the mechanical properties of the overall performance of the floor structure is very important. According to Chinese existing specifications, laminated beam prefabricated parts should be closed out in the production, the inconvenience of the longitudinal reinforcement for concrete in installation. According to the relevant norms of practice, this paper proposes a new structure form combined closed stirrup stirrup consists of: the opening cap and attached to the steel stirrups with 135 degree hook. The application of the stirrups in the composite beam, can greatly facilitate the upper beam longitudinal reinforcement after pouring in installation, has the very high value of engineering application. In order to promote the use in combination of closed stirrup composite beam, the combination of closed stirrup composite beam stress behavior of the system Research.
In this paper, 22 RC composite beam specimens were designed, and the mechanical properties of the composite closed hoop reinforced composite beams under bending, shear and torsion were studied respectively.
(1) the bending performance of the composite closed hoop reinforced composite beam is basically the same as that of the traditional closed stirrups composite beam. The combined closed stirrups can be applied to the composite beams with bending.
(2) allocation and combination of closed stirrup composite beams shear capacity and configuration of the traditional closed stirrup composite beam is basically the same. The shear span ratio of 2.62 combinations of closed laminated beams, affected by superposition of slip shear failure mode with large slip, and the configuration of the traditional closed stirrup composite beam a slightly different shear span ratio; failure form and configuration of 1.50 traditional composite beam closed composite beam is basically the same. Under the premise of ensuring the stress level in the process of lamination does not precede inclined section failure, can be combined closed stirrup flexural shear composite beam.
(3) allocation and combination of closed stirrup laminated beams subjected to torsion bearing capacity and configuration of the traditional closed stirrup composite beam is basically the same. Before the peak capacity, allocation and combination of closed stirrup composite beam and the configuration of the traditional closed stirrup composite beam under torsion performance is basically the same. After reaching into the decline of peak capacity, ductility the configuration of single hook combination stirrup composite beam variation, beam angle of the concrete is easy to peel, 900 hook cap steel open trend; configuration of composite beam stirrup hook combination performance and configuration of the traditional closed stirrup composite beam is basically the same. The configuration can bear the stirrup hook combination unidirectional torque superposition the beam is not recommended; configuration of single hook combined stirrups, further studies are needed to evaluate the performance.
(4) the test results and analysis show that bending, shear and torsional load-bearing capacity can be calculated according to < concrete structure design code >GB50010-2010 > for bending, shear and torsion combined beams.



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