本文关键词:带加强层的框架—核心筒高层建筑结构抗震受力性能分析 出处:《安徽建筑大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 框筒结构 斜腹杆腰桁架 剪力滞后现象 轴力集中系数 抗震受力性能分析
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology in modern society, more and more high-rise buildings appear in front of people, and become the symbol of a city. High-rise buildings can make better use of the vertical space area of structure. Perfect solution to people's living and office problems. The common high-rise building structure forms are frame structure, tube structure and high-rise building structure with strengthened story, etc. In recent years, the frequent occurrence of earthquakes. The safety of high-rise buildings is more and more challenged. The Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 caused a large number of high-rise buildings to collapse. In order to enhance the integrity of the structure and reduce the lateral displacement of the structure, modern high-rise building has become the most important factor that endangers the safety of people. Strengthening layer is often set on the structure. Different numbers of strengthened layers make the force of high-rise buildings more uniform, but the stress analysis at the strengthened layer is more complex, easy to form a weak layer near the strengthened layer. For the frame-core tube high-rise building structure with strengthened story, it is very effective for the whole building structure to earthquake resistance, so it is very effective. Now the beam reinforced story is widely used in the high-rise building. However, the reinforced concrete reinforced concrete reinforced concrete reinforced concrete inclined web truss reinforced layer is lack of in-depth research. In this respect, domestic scholars need in-depth research and improvement. Based on the previous studies, this paper carries out the following research: 1. First of all, the definition of high-rise building is introduced. The types of high-rise buildings and the characteristics of high-rise buildings, and the different structural systems are briefly introduced, the types, functions and research situation of strengthening stories are pointed out, and the working mechanism of strengthened floors is summarized. The advantages and disadvantages and the significance of setting the strengthened layer. 2. Taking the high-rise frame-core tube structure to be built in a province as an example, the finite element calculation model of the structure is established by using the structure analysis software MIDAS. On the basis of the original model of the structure, five kinds of calculation models are arranged, including one strengthening layer, two strengthening layer and three strengthening layer, and the parameters of each model are calculated by software. This is the next step to prepare for the seismic performance analysis. 3. Different structural models are used to analyze the mode response spectrum under the earthquake, the original model and the natural vibration period of the strengthened structure are obtained. 3. By analyzing and comparing the calculation results of each model, the parameters such as floor displacement and the displacement angle of the structure are analyzed and compared. Get the best arrangement scheme of the structure model. The shear lag phenomenon of the structure is more serious to the frame-tube structure, need to be paid more attention to, as far as possible through the structural design scheme to alleviate its harm. Otherwise, it will be an unsafe factor of structure. In this paper, several models of strengthening layer are studied, and the degree of shear lag in different models is discussed. The optimal layout of the structure. 4. Through the SATWE module in the finite element software PKPM, the elastic time history analysis of different models of the structure is carried out. In this paper, three seismic waves are selected and the EPDAPUSH in PKPM is used to analyze the stress of the structure. Through the analysis and comparison of the calculation results, the best arrangement scheme of the strengthening story of the high-rise building is obtained.
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