本文关键词:现代景观设计中微地形设计研究 出处:《大连工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:近年来,随着我国经济的飞速发展,城市建设步伐也大幅度的变快,城市建设的发展方向主要就是将景观融入城市,,将人与自然、城市与自然融合,从而营建自然生态园林城市,改善城市的视觉环和境生态环境。要大力打造具有优美园林的绿化景观城市的舒适景观空间,作为改善城市生态环境,迅速提升城市形象最为有效的方法。 微地形作为景观设计中的一种要素和空间塑造方法已越来越被人们所熟知和利用,不论是从功能考虑,抑或是超越了形式和功能的感知和体验,地形设计明显能够很好的传递和表达场所精神,并为人们提供多维度的感知以及传达人文关怀的信息。微地形本身也是真山水的缩影,现代景观设计中微地形的应用也越来越广泛。通过恰为好处的微地形处理,配置上合适的植物,不仅仅可以丰富造园的要素,创造出多样的景观层次和空间形态,还有利于加强景观设计的艺术性和改善生态环境,从而能够更好的体现园林绿地的生态价值和景观价值。因此在景观众多的场所中都会用到微地形,但是目前对于景观设计中微地形的应用、塑造方法原则等还没有明确的统一的标准,不同场所中如何运用微地形,用什么样的微地形都没有一个规范,因此系统化的研究微地形的塑造显得尤为必要。 本文研究了微地形塑造的动态发展过程,从中国古典的造园到现代景观设计的过程中,微地形始终是重要的塑造景观的手段和要素,从系统的角度界定了微地形的内涵外延、特征、类型、规模以及设计形式、功能等属性。探究了微地形设计的基础理论依据:环境行为心理学、风水学、景观生态学、地理学、景观规划设计理论等相关领域的理论都是微地形设计过程中需要考虑的,在此基础上提出微地形设计塑造的原则、微地形整体规划布局的方法,立足于微地形在不同场所中的生态位,从视觉、轴线、焦点、空间转折、交通流线以及灯光照明、座椅等设施等角度研究了与微地形的相互关系,明确提出微地形设计的方法和程序。 全文共分为五部分,第一部分为绪论和研究框架,第二部分为微地形景观设计的理论依据,第三部分微地形景观设计的基础理论研究,第四部分微地形景观设计方法研究,第五部分结论与展望。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, the pace of urban construction has become faster, the direction of development of urban construction is mainly to integrate landscape into the city, people and nature, city and nature. In order to build a natural ecological garden city, improve the city's visual environment and ecological environment, we should make great efforts to create a beautiful landscaping landscape city comfortable landscape space, as to improve the urban ecological environment. The most effective way to quickly improve the image of the city. As an element of landscape design and space shaping method, microtopography has been more and more well known and used, whether from the perspective of function, or beyond the form and function of perception and experience. Terrain design can clearly convey and express the spirit of the place, and provide people with multi-dimensional perception and the message of human care. Microtopography itself is the epitome of the true landscape. The application of microtopography in modern landscape design is also more and more extensive. Through the microterrain processing which is just for the benefit, the suitable plant configuration can not only enrich the elements of gardening. Create a variety of landscape levels and spatial forms, but also conducive to strengthening the art of landscape design and improve the ecological environment. So it can better reflect the ecological value and landscape value of landscape green space. Therefore, there are many places in the landscape will be used in micro-topography, but for the application of micro-topography in landscape design. There is not a clear unified standard for shaping methods and principles, and there is no standard for how to use microtopography in different places and what kind of micro-terrain to use, so it is particularly necessary to systematically study the shaping of micro-topography. In this paper, the dynamic development process of microtopography is studied. From Chinese classical gardening to modern landscape design, microtopography is always an important means and element of landscape shaping. This paper defines the intension extension, characteristic, type, scale, design form and function of microtopography from the system angle, and probes into the basic theoretical basis of microterrain design: environmental behavioral psychology, geomantic science and so on. Landscape ecology, geography, landscape planning and design theory and other related fields of theory are to be considered in the process of micro-terrain design, on the basis of the principles of micro-terrain design. The method of overall planning and layout of microtopography is based on the niche of microtopography in different places, from vision, axis, focal point, spatial turning point, traffic streamline and lighting. The relationship between microtopography and seat and other facilities is studied, and the method and procedure of microterrain design are presented. The paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction and research framework, the second part is the theoretical basis of micro-terrain landscape design, the third part is the basic theory research of micro-terrain landscape design. 4th part of the micro-terrain landscape design method, 5th part of the conclusions and prospects.
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