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发布时间:2018-01-26 20:59

  本文关键词: 土力学 边坡稳定性 渗透力 有效应力 出处:《岩土力学》2015年09期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem that the concept of permeability in soil mechanics is vague and the calculation method is not uniform, the concept of water-related force in saturated soil is comprehensively explained from the study of the characteristics of two-phase medium composition of saturated soil. In this paper, the nature of the surface force of various water forces on the soil skeleton is revealed, and the stress analysis model of soil, soil skeleton and pore water under seepage condition is established. In this paper, the calculation formula of permeability formed by water flow in soil is derived, and the elastic-plastic finite element method and limit equilibrium analysis method are used to analyze the stress of soil. The calculation model of seepage load effect is expounded. The results show that the effective stress principle in finite element method can accurately reflect the seepage load effect. The surface force model in the strip method can also fully represent the load effect of the permeability force. However, due to the existence of the inter-bar force assumption in the strip method, the effect of seepage load can not be fully reflected, and the soil and water total stress method for slope stability analysis is not complete in theory. And the soil and water division algorithm based on the effective stress thought takes all the water pressure on the strip boundary as the load of the strip force analysis, so it can reflect the load effect of the permeability force comprehensively. It is accurate to consider the effect of permeability.
【作者单位】: 长沙理工大学水利工程学院;中国电建中南勘测设计研究院有限公司;
【基金】:“十二五”科技支撑计划课题(No.2012BAK03B04) 湖南省自然科学基金(No.12JJ3055)
【正文快照】: 1引言渗流对边坡稳定性的影响是客观存在的。在我国学术界中,关于在极限平衡分析方法中如何考虑渗流对边坡稳定性的影响,存在着两种不同的观点[1-2]。这两种观点争论的焦点在于边坡稳定性分析的极限平衡法中边坡中的渗流作用力是按体积力考虑更好,还是按作用在条块边界上的面


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