本文关键词: 本构模型参数 混凝土 ABAQUS 非线性时程反应 损伤分布 出处:《浙江大学学报(工学版)》2015年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In order to improve the engineering practicability of the elastoplastic damage constitutive model, the damage development of the model was studied. The relationship between the fitting parameters and the elastic modulus, uniaxial compressive strength and uniaxial tensile strength of concrete materials. A practical method for determining the parameters of concrete is put forward. The numerical simulation is carried out for the concrete materials of various strength specified in the code. The results show that:. The model and parameter determination method can accurately simulate all kinds of nonlinear constitutive behavior of concrete material. The secondary development of constitutive model in ABAQUS is carried out by using user material subprogram UMAT. Numerical simulation of a hotel project in Shanghai: complete the modeling in the structure design software PKPM, and convert the model into the ABAQUS model for calculation. The calculated results are compared with the results of shaking table test. The results show that the difference of natural vibration frequency is less than 5%, and the total matching of top displacement time history is better except for individual extreme values. The floor displacement difference is less than 10%, the maximum floor displacement is 30% except for individual floor, and the general floor difference is about 10%. It is verified that the proposed parameter determination method and constitutive model are reasonable and effective. By analyzing the damage distribution of the structure at every critical moment, it is shown that the elastic-plastic damage constitutive model can reflect the failure process of the structure in real time, and it is convenient for the analysts to grasp the failure form of the structure directly.
【作者单位】: 中国建筑股份有限公司技术中心;同济大学结构工程与防灾研究所;
【正文快照】: 弹塑性损伤本构模型能够准确地模拟混凝土非线性本构行为[1-4].目前,学者们提出了多个理论完备、计算准确度高的混凝土弹塑性本构模型[5-7],但是多数模型的数值处理复杂,计算过程涉及多次迭代,计算效率较低、数值稳定性不好,且模型中涉及的参数较多,参数的标定是一项繁琐的工
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