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  本文关键词: 既有砖混结构 PKPM 检测鉴定 加固设计 出处:《河北工程大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着时间的发展新建建筑日趋饱和,而旧有的建筑虽然服役时间较长,但由于种种原因不能推倒重建,为了揭示既有建筑结构的潜在危险,避免事故发生,延长其使用寿命,,故需要对现有的结构作用效应、结构抗力以及相互关系进行检测、鉴定,并在科学鉴定的基础上对结构进行加固设计。因此既有建筑的检测鉴定与加固技术成为工程界关注的热点问题。本文在吸收了原有的检测鉴定与加固技术科研成果的基础上,结合工程实例,对既有砖混结构的检测鉴定及加固设计进行了系统的分析和深入的理论研究。主要内容如下: (1)概括性地论述了既有结构检测鉴定与加固设计研究的重要性及其国内外发展现状;明确了我国目前建筑行业发展的方向以及对既有建筑结构检测鉴定和加固设计研究等相关工作的意义。 (2)检测鉴定是加固设计的基础,因此检测信息的正确与否直接关系到建筑物后续使用寿命。本文简明扼要的介绍了既有砖混结构检测鉴定的内容和方法,详细介绍了A类建筑抗震鉴定的基本要求和鉴定步骤。并在检测鉴定的基础上举证了加固设计时应遵循的基本原则和常用的加固方法以及在加固施工过程中应注意的问题等。 (3)运用PKPM有限元分析软件中的JDJG模块并结合实际工程对既有砖混结构进行了抗压承载力验算,墙体地震剪力,墙体抗震抗剪承载力验算等。根据鉴定结论对其进行了加固设计。 由于建筑物的检测鉴定与加固涉及结构力学、材料力学、数据统计以及检测、维修、加固等工程技术,综合性很强,而且新材料、新工艺的不断涌现给检测鉴定与加固设计行业带来了很大的机遇和挑战。希望论文中的检测鉴定方法和加固方案对其同类工程有一定的参考价值和借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:Along with the development of the new building and the old building has become increasingly saturated, while the service time is longer, but due to various reasons can not tear down the reconstruction, in order to reveal both potentially dangerous building structure, to avoid accidents, prolong the service life, so it is necessary to effect the function of the existing structure, detection, structure resistance and relationship identification. And the reinforcement design of the structure on the basis of scientific identification. Therefore the existing building detection and reinforcement technology has become a hot issue in engineering circles. On the basis of the original detection and reinforcement technology research results, combined with the engineering example, the existing masonry structure detection and reinforcement design of a systematic analysis and in-depth theoretical study. The main contents are as follows:
(1) generalizing the importance and the development status of the existing structure inspection and reinforcement design, and clarified the direction of the development of the construction industry in China, and the significance of the related work of the existing building structure identification and reinforcement design research.
(2) detection and identification is the basis of strengthening design, so the detection information is correct and the follow-up is directly related to the service life of the building. This paper introduces the existing content concise and to the point and method of detection and identification of brick and concrete structure, introduces the basic requirements of building a seismic evaluation and identification steps. And based on the detection and identification of the burden of proof the basic principles of strengthening design and common reinforcement method and reinforcement construction should pay attention to the problems in the process.
(3) using the JDJG module in the PKPM finite element analysis software and combined with the actual project, the compressive capacity of the existing brick concrete structure is checked, the seismic shear force of the wall, the checking calculation of the seismic and shear capacity of the wall and so on. According to the appraisal conclusion, the reinforcement design is carried out.
The identification and reinforcement to structural mechanics, mechanics of materials testing building, data statistics, testing, maintenance, reinforcement technology, comprehensive, and new materials, new technology constantly emerging for the detection and reinforcement design industry has brought great opportunities and challenges. Hope detection and identification methods in the thesis and reinforcement have some reference value to the similar engineering and reference.



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