本文选题:岩体结构面特征 切入点:层次分析法 出处:《东北大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Three-dimensional network simulation of rock mass structural plane is an important content of block theory and also an important subject of rock mechanics research. However, the former method of predominance group is used to group the rock mass structural plane, and the three-dimensional network model of structural plane is established. The characteristics of rock mass structural plane and the influence of grouping index weight on the grouping result are not taken into account, and there is also a lack of a quantitative index to evaluate the characteristics of rock mass structural joint. The model established by the existing 3D network simulation technology can not search for the key blocks that slip due to the expansion of the non-perforated structural plane in the rock mass. In order to further improve the three-dimensional network simulation technology of the rock mass structure plane, To make the spatial distribution of the structure surface more realistic, this paper has carried out related research, the main research contents and conclusions are as follows: based on the principle of analytic hierarchy process (AHP), The weight distribution and comprehensive evaluation of the eight factors affecting the characteristics of rock mass structural plane are carried out. The CSPC value of the quantitative index of rock mass structural plane characteristic is introduced to establish the evaluation system of rock mass structural plane feature. According to the CSPC value, the class of the rock mass structural plane and the corresponding mechanical parameters of the rock mass structural plane are well divided in the system. A new classification method of the rock mass structural plane characteristic-CSPC method is proposed, which can not only calculate the CSPC value of the rock mass structural plane. It lays a foundation for the division of dominant groups based on the features of rock mass structural planes, and can also determine the grade of rock mass structural planes. As well as semi-quantitative prediction of mechanical parameters of structural plane. The penetrating strength is taken as a measure index to judge whether rock bridge with non-perforated structural plane is through or not. Numerical simulation was used to calculate the through-through strength and peak strength of rock mass samples under 175 different schemes of non-transfixion structural plane distribution, and the ratio of the through-through strength to the peak strength was described quantitatively by introducing the transfixion coefficient. The influence of inclination angle of rock bridge, friction coefficient of structure plane, confining pressure, connectivity ratio and inclination angle of structure plane on the transfixion coefficient is studied. The functional relationship between the penetration strength and the above five influencing factors and the peak strength is quantitatively analyzed. In this paper, a rock bridge connecting criterion with rock mass with non-transfixion structural plane is given, which can determine whether two non-transfixion structural planes should be connected. The three-dimensional network model of rock mass structure plane based on this criterion can search the key blocks which are caused by the expansion of the internal structural plane of rock mass, and based on the theory of variable fuzzy set, Compared with the traditional dominant group partition method, the method can not only take into account the influence of the occurrence information of the rock mass structure plane on the grouping results, but also can be applied to the classification of rock mass. It can also take into account the mechanical characteristics of rock structural joints and the influence of the weight of the grouping indexes on the results of the grouping. At the same time, the method can also predict the mechanical parameters of each group of structural planes. It can effectively reduce the difficulty of selecting the mechanical parameters of structural plane in block stability analysis. Based on the above research results, the specific algorithm flow of the application of the results is put forward, and the classification of the characteristics of rock mass structural plane is realized by using VC software. The prediction of mechanical parameters of rock mass structural plane, the recognition of rock mass non-through-through structural plane, the judgment of rock mass non-penetrating structural plane and the division of five functions based on the dominant group of rock mass structural joint characteristics are presented. It lays a good foundation for the real representation of the spatial distribution of the structural plane.
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