发布时间:2018-03-18 17:19
本文选题:新型节能夹芯自保温 切入点:混凝土砌块 出处:《延边大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着社会的不断发展,我国对于能源问题的重视也在逐渐加强,对占社会总耗能比例较高的建筑耗能提出了越来越高的要求,近年国家对建筑节能提出了65%的要求。而在整个建筑耗能中,外层围护结构的损失占到70%-80%左右,因此使建筑物达到国家提出的新节能要求,关键因素之一便是提高外层围护结构保温性能。外墙自保温墙体砌块能够克服目前建筑外墙保温结构体系施工复杂、耐火性差以及和建筑结构不同使用年限等很多缺点,得到了国家大力的推广,并在2013年2月制定了《自保温混凝土复合砌块》(JG/T407-2013)的规范。 本文的目标是研制一款新型节能夹芯自保温墙体砌块。该复合混凝土小型砌块内部存在聚苯乙烯保温层,由它砌筑而成的墙体节能效果与双层夹芯墙相似,而施工工艺相对于传统夹芯外墙的保温方式要简单化很多,该材料具有节能、节土、经济以及施工方便等许多优点。本文对于该砌块砌体的基本力学性能以及砌块热工性能进行了试验研究,并对试验结果进行了分析和总结。 本文主要在以下几个方面进行了研究: (1)设计并制作3组不同混凝土强度等级,尺寸为390mm×190mm×190mm的新型节能夹芯自保温混凝土砌块,通过抗压试验研究砌块强度变化,找出影响新型节能砌块强度的关键因素,对砌块的块型结构进行优化设计,从5种块型中选择出结构较合理的K2(190)块型。 (2)对于优选出的K2(190)型砌块做进一步物理性研究,根据国家颁布的建筑规范,研究和分析砌块的抗剪强度、干容重和软化系数,检测结果均符合国家有关规定。 (3)利用ANSYS有限元软件和规范理论经验公式,两种方法分析新型砌块的热工性能,与试验结果对比,分析结果表明ANSYS软件的数值分析方法可以精确的模拟砌块的温度场、温度梯度、热流量等云图,对于砌块热工性能的分析可以起到辅助作用。 (4)对比由K2(190)型新型节能夹芯自保温砌块砌筑的无筋砌体墙和配筋砌体墙极限承载力,观察试件破坏现象,得出破坏后裂缝的发展趋势。 (5)砌块中的聚苯乙烯保温板属于块体本身的保温材料,同时起到模板作用。在模具中浇筑混凝土,然后拆模,砌块一次成型无需后期加工,自带装饰效果,可直接用于非承重外墙,现场砌筑方便,且经济性好,便于在实际生产中推广。 本文的目的就是通过对砌块结构选型,改良出强度和整体性好且符合国家有关规定的节能保温墙体砌块,同时进一步对砌体结构进行抗压试验分析,最终研制出一款适用于严寒地区且节能性,保温性和经济性好的新型节能夹芯自保温墙体砌块。
[Abstract]:With the development of the society, the attention to the energy problem in our country has been gradually strengthened, and the building energy consumption, which accounts for a high proportion of the total energy consumption in the society, is becoming more and more important. In recent years, the state has put forward 65% requirements for building energy conservation. In the whole building energy consumption, the loss of outer envelope structure accounts for about 70% to 80%, so that the building can meet the new energy saving requirements put forward by the state. One of the key factors is to improve the thermal insulation performance of outer envelope structure. The self-insulating wall block can overcome many shortcomings, such as complex construction, poor fire resistance and different service life of building structure. It has been popularized by our country, and in February 2013, the specification of JG / T 407-2013 was formulated. The aim of this paper is to develop a new type of energy-saving sandwich self-insulating wall block, which has a polystyrene insulation layer inside the small composite concrete block, and the energy saving effect of the wall built by it is similar to that of the double-layer sandwich wall. Compared with the traditional core wall insulation, the construction technology is much simpler. The material is energy-saving and soil-saving. In this paper, the basic mechanical properties of the masonry block and the thermal properties of the block are studied experimentally, and the test results are analyzed and summarized. This paper mainly carries on the research in the following aspects:. 1) three groups of new energy-saving sandwich self-insulating concrete blocks with different strength grades of concrete are designed and manufactured. The key factors affecting the strength of new energy-saving blocks are found through compressive tests. The block structure of block block was optimized and the K _ 2O _ (190) block type with reasonable structure was selected from five block types. According to the building code issued by the state, the shear strength, dry bulk weight and softening coefficient of the block are studied and analyzed, and the test results are in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state. 3) using ANSYS finite element software and the empirical formula of code theory, two methods are used to analyze the thermal performance of the new block. The results show that the numerical analysis method of ANSYS software can accurately simulate the temperature field of the block. Temperature gradient, heat flux and other cloud diagrams can play an auxiliary role in the analysis of block thermal performance. Compared with the ultimate bearing capacity of the unreinforced masonry wall and reinforced masonry wall built by the new type of energy saving sandwich block with self-insulation block, the failure phenomenon of the specimen is observed and the development trend of the crack after the failure is obtained by comparing the ultimate bearing capacity of the new type of energy saving sandwich block masonry wall with that of the reinforced masonry wall. The polystyrene insulation board in the block belongs to the insulation material of the block itself and acts as a template. The concrete is poured into the mould and then the mold is removed. The block does not have to be processed later in the process and has its own decorative effect. It can be directly used for non-load-bearing exterior wall. It is easy to be built on site and economical. It is easy to be popularized in actual production. The purpose of this paper is to improve the energy saving and heat preservation wall block with good strength and integrity and accord with the relevant regulations of the state by selecting the structure of the block, and at the same time, to further carry out the compressive test analysis of the masonry structure. Finally, a new type of energy-saving self-insulating wall block is developed.
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