本文选题:景观设计 + 植物配置 ; 参考:《四川农业大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:针对四川省德阳市龙垭休闲庄园所在区域气候温暖而稍干旱、石灰性紫色土、坡地地形等自然条件,结合业主亲水、娱乐、休闲、健身等景观需求,遵循以人为本、功能性、经济性、生物多样性、生态适应性、艺术性等设计原则,设计出与建筑风格相协调的地中海风格园林景观及参与式的作物种植区域,并做了相应的植物设计,主要结果如下:(1)整个场地中设置了入口景观区、别墅区、运动健身区、生态休闲区和作物种植区5大功能分区。入口景观区由入口大门、稻田景观、湿地景观等景点组成;别墅区主要由别墅、生态停车场、户外亲水平台等组成;运动健身区主要包括会所、游泳池、篮球场等配套设施;生态休闲区主要由廊架、荷花池、五彩花境等组成;作物种植区主要包括经济林种植区、果树种植区和农作物种植区3个区域。(2)根据地中海风格在坡地、庭院、材料、色彩、水景、植物等方面的特色,在景观设计中通过铁艺大门、陶罐、烧结砖、马赛克拼花等小品、材料将设计区域的地中海风格展现出来;采用实木、鹅卵石、当地石材等不同的铺装材料,运用不同的铺装形式,最终设计出形式多样化、人性化的园路系统;设计户外平台、木栈道、可参与性的稻田景观、作物种植区域以及具有私密性的游泳池等来满足人们的心理需求、参与需求、实用需求,做到“以人为本”的设计原则;通过统一风格的小品、构筑物、水库、园路等将景观联系为一个整体;借助场地地形、利用本土材料、保留原有植物等体现经济性原则。(3)选择出能在当地生长且观赏性较好的园林植物56(不含园林植物变种),其中乔木有25种,灌木及地被19种,垂直绿化植物3种,水生植物9种,这些植物以乡土植物为主,有很好的适应性。乔木有羊蹄甲(Bauhinia purpurea)、银杏(Ginkgo biloba)、女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)等;灌木有金叶女贞(Ligustrum × vicaryi)、紫叶小檗(Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea)、南天竹(Nandina domestica)等;地被有鸢尾(Iris tectorum)、美人蕉(Canna indica)、马蹄金(Dichondra micrantha)等;垂直绿化植物有紫藤(Wisteria sinensis)、迎春花(Jasminum nudiflorum)等;水生植物有再力花(Thalia dealbata)、梭鱼草(Pontederia cordata)、风车草(Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flaelliformis)等。(4)选择女贞、栾树(Koelreuteria paniculata)、银杏作为基调树种,雪松(Cedrusdeodara)、国槐(Sophora japonica)、垂柳(Salix babylonica)作为骨干树种,采用乔木—灌木—地被、乔木—灌木—草坪、乔木—地被等多种配置模式,选择了白玉兰(Magnolia denudata)、黄花槐(Sophora xanthantha)、紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica)等花期不同、色彩艳丽的开花植物,结合彩叶植物、观果类植物,运用美学原理打造出季相变化明显、层次丰富、植物空间多样、充满意境的园林景观。
[Abstract]:Aiming at the natural conditions such as warm and slightly dry climate, calcareous purple soil and slope topography in the region of Longya Leisure Manor in Deyang City, Sichuan Province, combined with the landscape needs of owner, such as hydrophilic, recreational, leisure and fitness, it follows people-oriented, functional, and so on.Based on the design principles of economy, biodiversity, ecological adaptability and artistry, the Mediterranean style landscape and the participatory crop planting area are designed, and the corresponding plant design is made.The main results are as follows: 1) there are five main functional areas in the whole site: entrance landscape area, villa area, exercise and fitness area, ecological recreation area and crop planting area.The entrance landscape area is composed of entrance gate, paddy field landscape, wetland landscape and so on; the villa area is mainly composed of villas, ecological parking lot, outdoor hydrophilic platform and so on; the sports fitness area mainly includes clubhouse, swimming pool, basketball court and other supporting facilities;The ecological recreation area is mainly composed of corridor frame, lotus pond, colorful flower boundary, etc. The crop planting area mainly includes three regions, I. E. economic forest planting area, fruit tree planting area and crop planting area.) according to Mediterranean style, the slope land, courtyard, material, color, etc.Water features, plants and other aspects of landscape design through iron gates, pottery pots, sintered bricks, mosaic mosaic and other small pieces, materials will be designed to show the Mediterranean style of the design area, using solid wood, cobblestone,Different paving materials, such as local stone materials, are used to design a diversified and humanized garden road system, and outdoor platforms, wooden planks, and participatory paddy landscape are designed.Crop planting areas and private swimming pools to meet people's psychological needs, participation needs, practical needs, to achieve "people-oriented" design principles; through a unified style of sketches, structures, reservoirs,Garden roads and so on link the landscape as a whole; use local materials with the help of site topography,Keep the original plants and other embodying the economic principle. 3) choose the garden plants that can grow in the local area and have good ornamental performance (excluding garden plant varieties), including 25 species of Arbor, 19 species of shrubs and ground cover, 3 species of vertical greening plants, 9 species of aquatic plants.These plants are mainly native plants and have good adaptability.The trees include Bauhinia purpureaer, Ginkgo bilobaanus, Ligustrum lucidum, etc.; the shrubs include Ligustrum 脳 vicaryii, Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea, Nandina domestica, et al. There are Iris tecumia, Canna indica, Dichondra micranthia, etc.Vertical greening plants include wisteria sinensis, Jasminum nudiflorum, etc.; aquatic plants include Thalia Dealbataanus, Pontederia cordatahora, Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flaelliformis, etc.) and Koelreuteria paniculataae are selected as the base species.Cedrus deodara, Sophora japonica, Salix babylonica) were used as backbone tree species in different flower periods, such as Arbor shrub ground cover, Arbor shrub Turf, Arbor and ground cover, Magnolia denudataea, Sophora Xanthanthaan, Lagerstroemia indica.The colorful flowering plants, combined with colorful foliage plants and fruit plants, use aesthetic principles to create a landscape with obvious seasonal changes, rich levels, diverse plant spaces and full of artistic conception.
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