本文选题:中央商务区 + 街廓 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:中央商务区(CBD)是城市经济高度发达的必然产物,它集中体现了一个城市的经济水平和城市形象。自从我国实行改革开放政策以来,国民经济实现了大幅度增长,城市化进程的脚步逐渐加快,许多国内城市产生了对CBD的市场需求。如何在CBD中营造适宜尺度的环境和营造具有活力的城市氛围等问题变得尤为重要。街廓是城市结构与城市生活的基本组织单元,是城市设计的基本载体与技术工具。当前国内某些CBD的建设忽视对街廓尺度的把控,导致了一系列城市问题。因此,本文以CBD核心区中的街廓尺度作为研究切入点,分析当前CBD在因街廓尺度失控而导致的一系列城市问题。继而基于多维度影响因素和实践经验值推导适宜我国CBD建设的合理街廓尺度范围,并结合案例调研及工程实践得出城市设计优化策略。本文的主要内容可以分为以下五个部分: 第一部分:(第一章)绪论。本章主要阐述了本文的研究背景、研究对象、研究意义以及现有的国内外相关研究现状。 第二部分:(第二章)国内CBD街廓规划的现状问题研究与分析,主要对当前国内CBD发展中出现的街廓尺度问题进行了分析,以把握本研究的现实要求。 第三部分:(第三章)中央商务区的合理街廓尺度范围初探,一方面归纳出影响街廓尺度的影响因素,并基于各要素的判断准则进行定性研究及定量研究,叠加分析得出合理的尺度范围;另一方面针对国外多个CBD的街廓尺度进行量化及数据统计分析,以从现实数据中归纳出具有通用性的直观判断依据。 第四部分:(第四章)在前文合理经验值得出的基础上,对国内的CBD进行实证分析,为后续的城市设计策略优化对策研究提供实证经验的支持。 最后,,在上述理论研究和实证研究的基础上,论文进一步结合工程实践,尝试提出出了相应的城市设计策略优化对策,系统地对小尺度街廓规划理念下的CBD规划进行层层引导与控制,实现本研究系统从理论层面到实践层面的整体脉络构成。 本研究的成果对目前国内不同层面的CBD规划具有一定的启迪作用和指导意义,因此具有较强的实践性与实用性。
[Abstract]:Central Business District (CBD) is the inevitable outcome of highly developed urban economy, which embodies the economic level and image of a city.Since the implementation of the reform and opening policy in China, the national economy has achieved a large increase, the pace of urbanization has been gradually accelerated, many domestic cities have produced the market demand for CBD.How to create a suitable scale environment and create a dynamic urban atmosphere in CBD has become particularly important.Street profile is the basic organization unit of urban structure and urban life, and the basic carrier and technical tool of urban design.At present, some CBD construction in China neglects the control of cross-street profile, which leads to a series of urban problems.Therefore, this paper analyzes a series of urban problems caused by the runaway of CBD in the core area of CBD.Then, based on the multi-dimension influencing factors and practical experience value, the reasonable scale range of street profile suitable for the construction of CBD in China is deduced, and the optimization strategy of urban design is obtained by combining the case investigation and engineering practice.The main contents of this paper can be divided into the following five parts:Part one: introduction.This chapter mainly describes the research background, research object, research significance and existing domestic and foreign related research status.The second part (Chapter 2) is about the research and analysis of the current situation of CBD Street profile Planning in China. It mainly analyzes the problem of Street profile scale in the development of domestic CBD in order to grasp the practical requirements of this study.The third part: (chapter 3) A preliminary study on the reasonable scale of street profile in the Central Business District. On the one hand, it concludes the influencing factors of the scale of the street profile, and carries out qualitative and quantitative research based on the judgment criteria of each element.On the other hand, quantitative analysis and statistical analysis of the street profile scale of many foreign CBD are carried out in order to sum up the universal intuitive judgment basis from the real data.The fourth part: (chapter 4) based on the results obtained from the previous reasonable experience, the empirical analysis of CBD in China is carried out, which provides empirical support for the follow-up study of urban design strategy optimization countermeasures.Finally, on the basis of the above theoretical research and empirical research, the paper further combines the engineering practice, tries to put forward the corresponding urban design strategy optimization countermeasures.This paper systematically guides and controls the CBD planning under the concept of small-scale street profile planning, and realizes the whole structure of the research system from the theoretical level to the practical level.The results of this study have a certain enlightening and instructive significance to different levels of CBD planning in China, so it has strong practicality and practicability.
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