发布时间:2018-04-17 22:35
本文选题:专类园 + 紫薇 ; 参考:《中南林业科技大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica L.)自古是中国名花,栽培历史悠久,具有突出的观赏价值、经济价值、科研与科普价值。因其花色艳丽、花朵繁多、花期甚长、造型千姿百态等特点,深受人们的喜爱。紫薇作为重要的夏季观花树种,自唐代以来,被视为耐久、昌盛之象征,它的人格魅力与对生活的美好寓意被赋予独特的紫薇文化。近年来,随着我国经济的发展,两型社会的大力提倡,紫薇专类园的发展如雨后春笋般涌现。然而在迅速发展的背后存在许多的问题,如品种资源流失、造景形式单一、观赏特征没有充分利用等,并且紫薇专类园的建设发展的时间较短,其规划与设计的理论处于探索阶段,有待提高和完善。因此,针对这一现状,开展该方面理论研究是十分必要和有意义的。 本文首先通过查阅大量的国内外文献,对紫薇的资源概况与分布、栽培历史、文化意蕴、品种分类与演化进行了详细的阐述;结合紫薇专类园的现状分析,归纳紫薇专类园的应用方式、存在问题与发展趋势。并在此基础上,总结出紫薇专类园的特点及功能作用。 其次,在提出园林美学、色彩学与可持续发展理论的基础上,探讨了紫薇专类园规划与设计的选址条件、规划与设计原则、总体布局、功能分区、景观表现形式、植物配置、造型设计等内容。同时通过现状调查及相关文献分析了邵阳市100个紫薇品种的花期早晚与开花持续时间,并对紫薇专类园的景观营造进行相关阐述。 最后,在理论研究的基础上以杜家冲紫薇专类园规划与设计为例。对研究对象的概况及现状进行调查后,分析得出基地现状优劣势;根据优劣势及“低碳环保,绿色生态”建园理念进行科学布局与合理分区;运用园林美学、色彩学、可持续发展等理论,创造一处集科学研究、科普教育、紫薇文化展示、休闲娱乐功能于一体的紫薇专类园。
[Abstract]:Lagerstroemia indica L.As a famous flower in China since ancient times, it has a long history of cultivation and has outstanding ornamental value, economic value, scientific research and science popularization value.Because of its beautiful color, flowers, very long flowering, shape and other characteristics, deeply loved by people.As an important summer flowering tree, Lagerstroemia has been regarded as a symbol of durability and prosperity since the Tang Dynasty, and its personality charm and beautiful moral to life have been endowed with a unique culture of Lagerstroemia.In recent years, with the development of economy and the promotion of two-type society, the development of Lagerstroemia orchard has sprung up.However, there are many problems behind the rapid development, such as the loss of variety resources, the single form of landscape, the lack of full utilization of ornamental features, and the short time for the construction and development of the specialized orchard.The theory of planning and design is in the stage of exploration, which needs to be improved and perfected.Therefore, in view of this situation, it is very necessary and meaningful to carry out theoretical research on this aspect.First of all, through consulting a large number of domestic and foreign literature, this paper elaborates the general situation and distribution of resources, cultivation history, cultural implication, variety classification and evolution of Lagerstroemia, and analyzes the current situation of the orchard.The application mode, existing problems and developing trend of Lagerstroemia specialis are summarized.And on this basis, summed up the characteristics and function of Lagerstroemia orchard.Secondly, based on the theory of landscape aesthetics, chromatics and sustainable development, this paper discusses the location conditions, planning and design principles, general layout, functional partition, landscape expression form, plant configuration, and so on.Modeling design and other content.At the same time, the flowering time and flowering duration of 100 varieties of Lagerstroemia in Shaoyang were analyzed through the investigation of current situation and related documents, and the landscape construction of the orchard was expounded.Finally, on the basis of theoretical research, take the planning and design of Ziwei Park in Dujiachong as an example.After investigating the general situation and present situation of the research object, the author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the base status; according to the advantages and disadvantages and the concept of "low carbon environmental protection, green ecology", carries on the scientific layout and the reasonable partition; uses the garden esthetics, the color science,Sustainable development and other theories, create a collection of scientific research, popular science education, lilac culture display, leisure and entertainment functions in one of the Ziwei specialty garden.
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