本文选题:水泥砂浆内衬 + 腐蚀 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:From the point of view of the safety of feed water quality, five factors affecting the corrosion of cement mortar lining are studied in this paper. They are sulfate ion, chloride ion, magnesium ion, calcium ion and pH. By establishing single-factor and multi-factor experiments, the dissolution of silicate from cement mortar lining under different water quality was studied by means of static soaking in pipe section. At the same time, the influence of cement mortar lining corrosion on water quality was observed. In addition, in order to study the corrosion change of cement mortar lining under the action of these five kinds of water quality factors more intuitively, the cement sand lining of real pipe segment was simulated by preparing cement mortar test piece. The microstructure change of cement mortar lining surface was analyzed directly by means of characterization. Finally, on the basis of the experimental data, the silicate dissolution model was established by using statistical method, and the influence of these five water quality factors on the lining corrosion of cement mortar was discussed. From the point of view of water quality of feed water, through experiments and models, five water quality factors are obtained: sulfate ion, chloride ion, magnesium ion, Both Ca ~ (2 +) and pH will affect the corrosion of cement mortar lining. (2) through single factor experiment and observation of the microstructure of cement mortar, it is concluded that the high concentration of sulfate ion and chloride ion have more serious influence on the corrosion of cement mortar lining. The experimental results were confirmed by correlation analysis, and it was concluded that there was a positive correlation between them and silicate dissolution. (3) through single factor experiment and observation of microcosmic morphology of cement mortar, it was concluded that the low concentration of calcium ion and magnesium ion, The effect on the corrosion of cement mortar lining is more serious. The conclusion obtained by correlation analysis is consistent with the experiment, and there is a strong negative correlation between them and the dissolution of silicate. In addition, it is proved by experiments and models that the slightly acidic water quality is also beneficial to the corrosion of cement mortar lining. In order to be closer to the real water quality, the multi-factor experiment is used to study the combined action of five water quality factors. The influence on the corrosion of cement mortar lining. It is concluded that when the water quality is slightly acidic, low hardness, chloride ion and sulfate ion concentration is also lower, the corrosion of cement mortar lining is the most serious. 5) by means of full regression, stepwise regression and factor analysis, The influence of these five water quality factors on the corrosion of cement mortar lining is further verified. Besides these five water quality factors, the effect of alkalinity on the lining corrosion of cement mortar is also obvious.
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