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发布时间:2018-05-17 00:28

  本文选题:卸荷破坏 + 能量 ; 参考:《青岛理工大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:本论文包含两个部分:一是针对地下工程开挖的复杂加、卸荷过程,尤其是卸荷过程,弄清卸荷路径下的岩石破坏机理,重点研究不同卸荷路径下岩石宏细观破坏机理,包括:不同卸荷条件破坏过程中能量演化规律;岩石卸荷破坏过程中声发射特征演化规律与量化分析;基于颗粒流方法岩石卸荷破坏过程数值模拟等。二是针对岩石地铁工程设计计算的实际问题,应用数值极限分析方法,开展对岩石地铁工程的围岩分级与设计计算方法的研究,包括:改进岩石地铁工程围岩分级的基本质量指标;考虑跨度对围岩分级的影响;初衬混凝土的抗剪强度;岩石地铁工程设计计算方法等。 论文的研究成果如下: (1)采用能量原理自编程序,研究不同卸荷条件下大理岩卸荷破坏过程中的能量演化规律,取得以下主要研究成果:岩样卸荷破坏过程的轴向吸收能量曲线非线性变化,经历了缓慢增长-快速增长-缓慢增长-释放的演化过程。总能量曲线经历了缓慢增长-快速增长-缓慢减小-释放等阶段。不同卸荷应力路径对破坏过程中能量演化规律的影响主要表现在屈服弱化阶段。围压高的岩样消耗更多的能量,轴向能量曲线增长速率增加;卸荷速率越低,轴向能量增长速率升高,卸荷点处轴向能量曲线转折更明显;卸荷水平接近岩样承载能力峰值时,轴向能量增长速率增大,总能量曲线负向增长速率高,岩样破坏越剧烈。 (2)研究不同卸荷条件下岩样破坏过程中的声发射特征演化规律,采用分形的方法自编程序进一步量化声发射特征,取得以下主要研究成果:不同卸荷路径试验过程中,声发射事件计数率最大值都出现在岩样破坏处,达到最大值前,岩样均会出现一段声发射相对平静期。围压越高,岩样的声发射活动水平越高,声发射相对平静期会缩短,声发射事件最大值也增加;卸荷速率越高,相对平静期的振铃计数率越高,持续时间越短;越接近岩样承载力峰值卸荷,岩样破坏前的声发射事件相对平静期持续时间越短。岩样破坏前存在声发射分维值较低区域,破坏处附近的分维值,加轴压、卸围压路径>恒轴压、卸围压路径>常规三轴路径。 (3)基于颗粒流方法,利用FISH语言实现大理岩加、卸荷破坏过程数值模拟,从细观角度有利地补充宏观的室内试验分析,其创新点为:通过FISH语言设计不同的卸荷应力路径方案,有效实现岩样复杂卸荷试验的数值模拟,研究卸荷破坏过程中摩擦能、动能、黏结能与应变能等细观能量与应力路径之间的联系,,破坏过程中细观裂纹数与岩石破坏前兆的关系,以及岩石微观裂纹产生、发展与贯通的过程。通过不同卸荷应力路径试验模拟分析,给出细观参数与岩样宏观强度参数之间的非线性关系;围压主要影响颗粒间摩擦滑动引起的摩擦能,进而改变试样的破坏形式。卸荷速率越高,试样内部裂纹发展越不充分,黏结能越少;试样破坏时颗粒运动引起的动能越大。卸荷破坏过程是由压破坏形成贯通剪切面,与拉剪破坏共同作用引起试样破坏。压破坏剪切面都是由破坏面两端向中间发展,逐渐贯通,试样内部主要破坏形式都表征为压力引起的损伤破坏,拉剪破坏伴随压破坏,在压破坏裂纹尖端有集中的趋势。 (4)从细观角度分析卸荷破坏过程,并通过实例验证围岩卸荷分析的可行性,其主要结论:经典强度准则中Mogi-Coulomb准则相对适合加轴压、卸围压路径下的试验分析;将裂纹考虑成椭圆形,从细观力学和单连通域的解析函数出发分析卸荷路径下的强度准则;从单元体裂纹生成的复合应力状态出发,建立卸荷过程中的应力-应变关系。 (5)在国标《工程岩体分级标准》和《地下工程围岩稳定分析与设计理论》一书对国标改进意见的基础上,提出岩石地铁工程围岩分级设想,其主要结论:一是对围岩分级表中围岩定性特征进行了改进和调整,改进了各级围岩基本质量BQ值,使定性分级和定量分级协调一致,发展与完善了围岩岩体基本质量标准。二是在围岩分级中反映了地下工程跨度对围岩稳定性的影响,提出按岩体质量和工程跨度为基准的围岩分级思想,结合地铁工程特点,给出区间隧道与车站隧道的亚级分级,量化了亚级的基本质量指标。采用了由安全系数反映围岩自稳性的量化指标和通过反算得到各级围岩物理力学参数。对重庆轨道1#、6#线的岩体物理力学参数和围岩分级进行了调研,采用本文提出的分级方法与国标相比:区间隧道砂岩由III、IV级围岩提升为II、III级围岩;区间隧道砂质泥岩有1/3的Ⅳ级围岩提升为Ⅲ级围岩;车站隧道砂岩约有80%的IV级围岩提升为III级围岩。 (6)采用数值极限分析新方法发展与完善了地铁隧道的设计计算方法,提出了合理的设计计算参数和初衬二衬的计算方法。其主要结论是:一是依据现有试验设备条件,提出了将直剪试验与单轴抗压试验相结合的混凝土剪切试验方法,从而确定不同强度等级混凝土剪切强度指标c、φ值;二是依据摩尔库伦公式和数值方法,提出混凝土剪切强度和抗压强度之间的关系,验证了混凝土剪切强度试验结果的可靠性,并将混凝土强度的标准值与设计值换算成剪切强度的标准值与设计值。结合实例,讨论了荷载释放量的确定、不同深浅埋分界标准的适用范围、应力释放后的围岩安全系数、初衬围岩与二衬结构的安全系数计算过程。最后对重庆地铁、青岛地铁车站进行的计算分析表明,Ⅲ级围岩以上可比现行衬砌厚度约减少30%,而Ⅳ、Ⅴ级围岩初衬厚度或强度尚需适当增加,以确保施工安全。
[Abstract]:This paper consists of two parts : one is the complex loading and unloading process for the underground engineering excavation , especially the unloading process , the rock failure mechanism under the unloading path is clarified , and the damage mechanism of the rock macro - meso - view under different unloading paths is emphatically studied , including : the energy evolution law during the destruction of different unloading conditions ;
Evolution law and quantitative analysis of acoustic emission characteristics during rock unloading and destruction
Based on the numerical simulation of the rock unloading damage process in rock metro engineering , the study on the calculation methods of surrounding rock classification and design of rock metro engineering is carried out by using numerical limit analysis method , including the improvement of the basic quality index of rock classification of rock metro engineering .
Considering the influence of span on the grading of surrounding rock ;
Shear strength of initial lining concrete
Calculation methods of rock subway engineering design and so on .

The research results are as follows :

( 1 ) The energy evolution law in the process of unloading the marble under different loading conditions is studied by using the self - compiled program of energy principle , and the following main research results are obtained : the nonlinear change of the axial absorption energy curve of the rock sample unloading damage process , and the evolution process of slow growth - fast growth - slow growth - release is experienced .
The lower the unloading speed , the increasing rate of axial energy increase , the turning of the axial energy curve at the unloading point is more obvious ;
When the unloading level is close to the peak load carrying capacity , the increasing rate of axial energy increases , the negative growth rate of the total energy curve is high , and the more severe the rock sample damage .

( 2 ) To study the evolution of acoustic emission characteristics during rock sample destruction under different loading conditions , and further quantify the acoustic emission characteristics by fractal method .
The higher the unloading rate , the higher the ringing count rate of the relative calm period , the shorter the duration ;
The closer to the peak unloading of rock - like bearing capacity , the shorter the relative calm period of the acoustic emission events before the rock sample destruction . There is a lower area of the sound emission fractal dimension before the rock sample damage , the fractal dimension near the destruction point , the adding shaft pressure , the pressure relief path of the pressure relief , the constant axial pressure , the pressure relief path of the pressure relief and the conventional three - axis path .

( 3 ) Based on the particle flow method , the numerical simulation of loading and unloading damage process of marble is realized by FISH language .
The confining pressure mainly affects the friction energy caused by the friction sliding between the particles , and then changes the damage form of the sample . The higher the unloading rate , the less the internal crack development of the sample is , the less the binding energy is ;
The larger the kinetic energy caused by the movement of the particles , the more kinetic energy caused by the movement of the particles when the specimen is damaged . The damage of the specimen is caused by the failure of the breaking surface . The damage of the specimen is caused by the failure of the breaking surface to the middle . The main damage form inside the sample is characterized by the damage caused by the pressure , the shear failure is accompanied by the pressure damage , and there is a concentration trend in the crack tip .

( 4 ) To analyze the unloading damage process from the viewpoint of view angle , and verify the feasibility of surrounding rock unloading analysis by examples . The main conclusions are as follows : the Mogi - Coulomb criterion in the classical strength criterion is relatively suitable for the test analysis under the axial pressure and the pressure relief path ;
taking the crack into an ellipse , analyzing the strength criterion under the unloading path from the analytic function of the meso - mechanics and the single - connected domain ;
The stress - strain relationship in unloading process is established based on the composite stress state generated by unit crack .

( 5 ) Based on the improvement of the surrounding rock mass , the paper puts forward the improvement and adjustment of the surrounding rock stability in the rock mass classification table . The main conclusions are as follows : 1 . The influence of underground engineering span on the stability of surrounding rock is proposed .
Grade 鈪




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