本文选题:型钢再生混凝土框架 + 再生砌块填充墙 ; 参考:《西安建筑科技大学》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:型钢再生混凝土结构是型钢混凝土组合结构与再生混凝土结构相结合的产物,兼具了型钢混凝土组合结构承载力高、抗震性能好以及再生混凝土结构低碳节能等优点,,符合国家环境保护政策,同时在高抗震设防烈度区具有较好的应用前景。框架-填充墙结构中,填充墙尽管被视为非结构构件,但实际承担了相当部分的地震作用。在国家近年来墙体改革政策的推动下,传统的实心黏土砖正逐步被一些新型砌体材料所取代(包括再生混凝土空心砌块、粉煤灰砌块以及加气混凝土砌块等)。无论是型钢再生混凝土结构还是新型砌体填充墙,目前的研究只进行到梁、柱构件层面和墙体轻型、保温等材料性能方面,对型钢再生混凝土框架-新型砌体填充墙的研究尚未开展。本文在以往研究基础上,主要进行了以下几方面的研究工作: 设计了7榀单跨单层的型钢再生混凝土框架-再生砌块填充墙模型,设计参数包括墙体布置形式、砌块强度等级、拉筋设置间距、轴压比以及墙体宽高比,通过各试件在低周反复荷载作用下的试验研究,观察了该结构的受力过程和破坏形态,获得了结构关键位置处型钢及钢筋应变的分布、荷载-位移滞回曲线及骨架曲线,对结构的承载力、位移延性、层间位移角、耗能能力、强度衰减以及刚度退化等力学性能进行了详细的研究,并分析了所选设计参数对该结构抗震性能的影响。 通过分析本次试验不开洞填充墙框架试件以及开洞填充墙框架试件的荷载-位移滞回曲线及骨架曲线,提出了适合于各自的恢复力模型,分别采用刚度退化四折线模型和三折线模型,包括相应的骨架曲线模型、卸载刚度退化规律及滞回规则,通过理论分析和试验数据回归,确定了不同墙体开洞率条件下该结构初始刚度的计算方法。试验结果与按照本文所提方法建立的恢复力模型对比吻合较好,验证了模型的合理性。 采用有限元软件ABAQUS对试验中的一榀空框架试件及一榀带墙框架试件进行了单调荷载作用下的非线性分析,计算荷载-位移关系曲线与试验实测曲线吻合较好,验证了所建模型的正确性;根据模拟结果,对结构的混凝土部分、型钢部分及墙体部分的应力、应变和结构变形进行分析,明晰了型钢再生混凝土框架-再生砌块填充墙结构的受力性能;选取再生混凝土强度、框架柱型钢强度、轴压比、砌块强度等级和墙体宽高比等作为参数,对该种结构的受力性能影响因素进行分析;采用有限元软件PERFORM-3D分析了填充墙-框架整体结构中框架部分与墙体部分的协同工作性能以及各个部分的剪力分配情况。 根据多国相关规范及研究成果对现阶段结构抗震水准划分的研究现状及划分的原则进行了总结,对型钢再生混凝土柱、钢筋再生混凝土梁及填充墙等构件的性能水准进行划分。在此基础上,根据本文试验数据,结合结构中柱、梁、墙各构件的性能水准对整体结构进行了性能水准的划分,以位移角为衡量指标量化了型钢再生混凝土框架-再生砌块填充墙的性能。最后将本文提出的水准划分与《建筑地震破坏等级划分标准》中对应修复划分的结构变形值进行对比,验证了本次性能水准划分的合理性。 基于有限元软件PERFORM-3D并采用能力谱法对6种实际工程中常用的填充墙设置形式的框架结构进行静力推覆分析,得到了不同抗震设防烈度下对应地震水准的结构层间位移角以及结构构件性能水准分布,通过对结构层间位移角及构件性能水准的统计分析,评估了模型在6度到9度设计地震作用下结构的抗震性能。
[Abstract]:In the framework - filled wall structure , the traditional solid clay brick is gradually replaced by some new masonry materials ( including recycled concrete hollow block , fly ash block and aerated concrete block , etc . ) . The research on SRC frame - new masonry filled wall has not been carried out . The research work is done on the basis of the previous research :
Seven single - span single - story reinforced concrete frame - recycled building block filled wall model is designed . The design parameters include the form of wall layout , the strength grade of the block , the spacing of drawing bar , the ratio of axial compression ratio and the aspect ratio of the wall , the stress process and the damage form of the structure are observed , and the mechanical properties of the structure bearing capacity , displacement ductility , inter - layer displacement angle , energy dissipation capacity , strength attenuation and stiffness degradation are studied in detail . The influence of the selected design parameters on the seismic behavior of the structure is analyzed .
Based on the analysis of the load - displacement hysteresis curves and skeleton curves of the frame test piece and the open - hole filling wall frame test piece , the stiffness degradation four - fold line model and the three - fold line model are proposed , including the corresponding skeleton curve model , the unloading stiffness degradation law and the hysteresis rule , and the calculation method of the initial stiffness of the structure is determined by theoretical analysis and experimental data regression . The experimental results agree well with the restoring force model established according to the method presented in this paper , and the rationality of the model is verified .
In this paper , a nonlinear analysis of an empty frame test piece and a framed bent piece with a wall frame under monotonic loading is carried out by using finite element software . The load - displacement relationship curve is well matched with the experimental measured curve , and the correctness of the proposed model is verified ;
According to the simulation results , the stress , strain and structural deformation of the concrete part , the section steel part and the wall part of the structure are analyzed , and the stress performance of the reinforced concrete frame - recycled block filled wall structure is clarified ;
selecting the strength of recycled concrete , the strength of the frame column shape steel , the axial compression ratio , the strength grade of the block and the aspect ratio of the wall body as parameters , and analyzing the influence factors of the stress performance of the structure ;
By using the finite element software PERFORM - 3D , the cooperative performance of the frame part and the wall part in the whole structure of the filling wall - frame and the distribution of shear force of each part are analyzed .
Based on the data of this paper , the performance level of SRC column , reinforced concrete beam and filling wall is divided . Based on the test data in this paper , the performance level of SRC column , reinforced concrete beam and filling wall is divided . Based on the test data in this paper , the performance of the reinforced concrete frame - recycled concrete frame - filled wall is quantified by using displacement angle as the measurement index .
Based on the finite element software PERFORM - 3D and adopting the capability spectrum method to analyze the static force of the frame structure of the common filling wall setting form in the six practical projects , the structural layer displacement angle and the structural member performance level distribution corresponding to the seismic level under different seismic fortification intensity are obtained , and the seismic behavior of the structure under the earthquake action of 6 degrees to 9 degrees is evaluated by statistical analysis of the displacement angle and the performance level of the structural members .
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