发布时间:2018-05-20 22:21
本文选题:轻集料 + 保温 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:建筑能耗占社会总体能耗的1/3左右,建筑能耗不只是建筑建设过程中的能耗,还包含了整个使用寿命期间内照明、空调、暖气等的能耗。因此建筑节能技术成为降低总体能耗的重要手段。 重庆地区已经执行国家65%的节能标准,并且重庆属夏热冬冷地区,除一些办公大楼外,居民楼一般没有统一供冷、供热系统,而是采用分户采暖、制冷。居民对室内温度要求的差异化,使得能量不仅在室内外传递,,也在层楼板之间传递,因此要达到65%的节能标准,不仅要做墙面保温系统,而且要做楼板保温体系。 重庆地区已经在楼面保温中大规模应用全轻混凝土,由于陶粒是多孔结构,密度比水小,导致全轻混凝土施工过程中集料易上浮,并且和易性差、易泌水。针对这些问题,采用配合比改进、添加外加剂等加以改进。本次实验主要研究了陶粒性能、砂率、X微珠、粉煤灰漂珠、纤维素醚、减水剂等对全轻混凝土的强度、干密度、和易性等的影响。 研究结果表明陶粒的性能对全轻混凝土强度的影响较为显著,陶粒强度增加0.8MPa,带来强度的增长为陶粒强度增长的3—4倍,在相同砂率、相同塌落度情况下,球型陶粒混凝土强度高于碎石型陶粒;全轻混凝土强度、干密度随砂率的变化规律相似,均为先增大后降低;X微珠、粉煤灰漂珠等更轻质、高强的细集料能显著降低全轻混凝土的干密度,在一定掺量下能够提高其强度。 陶粒浸水对全轻混凝土的强度不利,而裹浆工艺基本无影响;萘系减水剂对全轻混凝土基本无明显影响,而聚羧酸减水剂能显著的提高全轻混凝土的强度,但由于水胶比的降低,密实度的增大,使其干密度有所增加,其适宜掺量在水泥量的0.7%—1.2%之间。提高水泥标号,即单纯提高水泥浆体的强度对全轻混凝土强度提高不大。 纤维素醚能显著改善全轻混凝土的和易性,对于球型陶粒来说其最佳掺量约为水泥量的0.2%,对碎石型陶粒混凝土来说,其最佳掺量为0.4%。 全轻混凝土的研究成果已在实际工程中应用,总体结果令人满意,基本无空鼓、开裂问题。
[Abstract]:Building energy consumption accounts for about a third of the total energy consumption of society. Building energy consumption is not only energy consumption in the process of building construction, but also the energy consumption of lighting, air conditioning, heating and so on during the whole life span. Therefore, building energy saving technology has become an important means to reduce the overall energy consumption. Chongqing area has implemented the national energy saving standard of 65%, and Chongqing is a hot summer and cold winter area, except for some office buildings, residential buildings generally do not have a unified cooling, heating system, but the use of household heating, refrigeration. The difference of indoor temperature requirements makes the energy transfer not only between indoor and outdoor, but also between floors and floors. Therefore, to achieve the energy saving standard of 65%, not only the wall insulation system, but also the floor insulation system should be made. The whole light concrete has been widely used in floor heat preservation in Chongqing area. Due to its porous structure and smaller density than water, aggregates are easy to float and easy to bleed in the construction process of whole light concrete. In order to solve these problems, mix ratio improvement and admixture are used to improve it. The effects of ceramsite properties, sand ratio X beads, fly ash beads, cellulose ether and water reducer on the strength, dry density and easiness of whole light concrete were studied in this experiment. The results show that the performance of ceramsite has a significant effect on the strength of whole light concrete. The strength of ceramic particle increases by 0.8 MPa, and the increase of strength is 3-4 times of that of the strength of ceramsite. Under the same sand ratio and the same collapse degree, The strength of spherical ceramsite concrete is higher than that of gravel type ceramsite, and the change of strength and dry density with sand rate is similar to that of full light concrete, all of which are light weight, such as increasing first and then reducing X microbeads, fly ash dripping beads, etc. The high strength fine aggregate can significantly reduce the dry density of the whole light concrete, and can improve its strength in a certain amount. Water immersion of ceramsite has no effect on the strength of whole light concrete, but no effect on grouting process, while naphthalene water reducing agent has no obvious effect on the whole light weight concrete, while polycarboxylic acid water reducing agent can significantly improve the strength of whole light concrete. Due to the decrease of water-binder ratio and the increase of compactness, the dry density of the cement is increased, and its suitable content is between 0.7% and 1.2% of the cement content. Increasing cement grade, that is, increasing the strength of cement paste, does not improve the strength of whole light concrete. Cellulose ether can significantly improve the easiness of the whole light concrete. For spherical ceramsite, the optimum content is about 0.2 of the cement content, and for crushed stone type ceramsite concrete, the optimum content is 0.4. The research results of all-light concrete have been applied in practical engineering, the overall results are satisfactory, there is basically no empty drum, cracking problem.
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