本文选题:单桩承载力 + 高应变动测 ; 参考:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Pile foundation is widely used in engineering at present. Because pile foundation belongs to hidden engineering, the design, calculation, construction and inspection of pile foundation are often more complicated than that of upper building structure. The quality detection of pile foundation has become an important part of engineering quality control, and the single static load method is increasingly unable to meet the needs of quality diagnosis of pile foundation engineering, so the high strain method is widely used to detect the quality of pile foundation engineering. In this paper, the damping coefficient of the high strain CSAE method and the parameters of the high strain curve fitting method are deeply studied on the basis of previous studies and combined with the high strain test. The accuracy of the high strain CSAE method and the high strain curve fitting method are verified by the destructive static load test, and the range of CASE coefficients under the two kinds of bearing layers is proposed. The main research results and conclusions are as follows: (1) the one-dimensional wave equation and the solution of the wave equation are summarized. The classification and discussion of infinite bar length, finite bar length, variable resistance section and frictional resistance bar provide a strict theoretical basis for the study of high strain method of pile foundation. (2) three analytical and computational methods of high strain detection method, called: Smith method and case method, are studied. Curve fitting method, and summarizing the basic principle, technical method and pile-soil model of the three methods. The high strain test is used to fit the high strain measured curves of nine PHC pipe piles in the test site. The corresponding ultimate bearing capacity of single pile is calculated. By changing the relevant parameters of the curve fitting model separately and calculating, the influence of a certain parameter on the calculation curve and its variation law are obtained. For the high strain CASE method, the static and dynamic comparison test of PHC pipe pile is carried out. The optimum value of CASE damping coefficient of different bearing layers is obtained. For the high strain curve fitting method, the accuracy of the high strain curve fitting method is relatively accurate through the static and dynamic contrast test of PHC pipe pile. It is proved that the high strain dynamic test method can supplement or even partially replace the traditional static load test.
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